Two Movies That Showcase The Invisible Caring Father

Two Movies That Showcase The Invisible Caring Father

No matter how loudly feminazis shout their gay propaganda from the rooftops, genders will never be interchangeable. Men and women will always have inherent biological imperatives which are diametrically opposite. A man desires to get a woman’s body without expending any resources. A woman, on the other hand, dreams of securing resources from a man without having to stoop down to actually having sex with him.

Neither of these is inherently good or bad, it simply is. When romantic relationships are pursued with full realization of these biological imperatives, the hurt, pain and disappointment disappear and you will actually start to enjoy the emotional tug of war with females. On the other hand, when they are sugarcoated with abstract concepts such as “love” or “loyalty” is when the problems begin.

Historical context of marriage

Two Movies That Showcase The Invisible Caring Father

Now kiss!

Traditional marriage was an institution where male and female biological imperatives could find an equilibrium. The husband would commit his resources to the marriage, creating an environment of material prosperity. The wife would commit her body to the marriage and provide her husband with ample sex and children. The result were two satisfied adults and the most stable environment for raising children.

This kind of marriage actually required a set of conservative religious values to thrive. It sounds butthurt, but it’s true—as soon as liberal values were accepted as the norm, the full power of female greed became apparent. In short, women no longer had to commit to anything and were given total custody over their bodies, children, and the husbands’ wallets.

Of course, to maintain such injustice, a massive amount of deception has to be used on a constant basis, and the mainstream media were more than happy to oblige. Wives are without exception portrayed as innocent victims, no matter what happens. On the other hand, good and caring fathers are invisible as long as they dutifully provide. Only when they lash out or dare to show any backbone does the lynching, shaming, and vicious persecution begin.

Not only were male virtues ignored, but they were transplanted and presented as inherent female characteristics. What else do you think the phrase “women can have it all” means?

Two Movies That Showcase The Invisible Caring Father

But at what cost?

While Hollywood usually serves as a Disney propaganda machine, brainwashing the youth with romantic fairy tales that ignore their biological imperatives, a movie will occasionally slip through the cracks and offer a glimpse into the true workings of modern marriage and divorce rape. These movies from ages past can serve as a great reference point and pinpoint exactly when the radical feminist propaganda took hold in the US.

The two most notable movies in this category are Mrs. Doubtfire and Falling Down, both released in 1993, which is surely just a coincidence. Both had the same budget, $25 million, but the former earned 18 times that amount, while the latter didn’t even manage to double it. The discrepancy is most likely due to how sappy Mrs. Doubtfire is and the fact that the general audience prefers such delusions to the raw reality presented in Falling Down

Mrs. Doubtfire

Mrs. Doubtfire starts with Daniel Hillard, a freshly unemployed voice actor, throwing a birthday party for his son, Chris. His high-earning wife, Miranda, comes home and pulls the plug on the party.

Two Movies That Showcase The Invisible Caring Father

Literally pulls the plug

Then she gives him the “I can’t do this anymore” speech in front of the children and asks for divorce. It makes sense, since he can’t provide any resources, so what good is he anyways? The court proceedings follow and Miranda is summarily awarded full custody over children. This scene, where Daniel pleads the judge for more than one day per week with his children is just gut-wrenching. And it’s just 15 minutes into the movie.

Daniel then gets the idea of getting back into the lives of his children by pretending to be a Scottish centenarian housekeeper named “Euphegenia Doubtfire.” He gets the job and has the chance to finally instill some conservative values in his kids. This is followed by zany events, the kids learning about Euphegenia’s true identity and the grand reveal at the end.

Though Mrs. Doubtfire ends with an obligatory happy ending, the points it makes remain poignant. No other movie manages to display father’s love towards his children and the infinite sacrifices he is willing to make just to stay in their lives with such acute precision.

Two Movies That Showcase The Invisible Caring Father

How many of you would be willing to wear drag?

Pay attention to everything “Euphegenia” says to Miranda and you will have an idea how the enforcing of marital norms used to work and how older women used to keep younger women in check.

Falling Down

Right from the establishing shot, you can see that Falling Down is not going to end well. The movie starts with the freshly divorced William Foster stuck in a rush hour, trying to get in time to his daughter’s birthday. Unfortunately, everything conspires against William: the line won’t move, the heat is unbearable, his car window won’t open and there’s this fly that keeps buzzing around.

William just walks away from his car and tries to get some change for a phone call. That’s when shit hits the fan and things just go downhill from there.

Two Movies That Showcase The Invisible Caring Father

Ready for shooting lessons

People keep dying around William but he goes through it all with a detached attitude. Nothing really matters to him anymore and he just wants to see his kid. Of course, the ex-wife, Beth, is less than pleased with his decision and calls the cops. One of them takes her statement and then we find out William doesn’t drink, doesn’t do drugs, isn’t violent but she still asked for a restraining order and the judge happily obliged. Why? So William can be made an example of, which is eerily similar to how easily real courts issue orders that can ruin a man’s life in an instant.

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