5 Ways Porn Might Not Be Bad For Your Game

5 Ways Porn Might Not Be Bad For Your Game

There is a tendency in manosphere and game circles to regard pornography as a uniformly bad thing. Watching it saps time, energy, and the motivation to go and hit on girls in real life. This thinking is not mere conjecture. In the past, scientific studies have backed up the view that fap movies are linked to faltering physical desire, with psychiatrist Norman Doidge, author of The Brain That Changes Itself, noting that fans suffer “increasing difficulty in being turned on by their actual sexual partners, though they still consider them attractive” and have to fantasize about porn scenes while having sex.

5 Ways Porn Might Not Be Bad For Your Game

But a new study of 280 men by the University of California suggests that porn might actually have a beneficial effect on its viewers, with a positive correlation indicated between time spent watching it and the desire to have sex. According to a report in The Daily Telegraph, men who watch porn are shown to score more highly for arousal than men who don’t, and, contrary to popular belief, erectile dysfunction is not linked to the number of hours viewed.

Of course, it’s possible to pick holes in a survey of this kind. 280 isn’t the largest sample size (although it’s statistically rigorous), and most of the respondents were in their twenties – let’s face it, guys of that age are likely to be horny most of the time regardless. Also, it would seem likely that a guy who watches a lot of porn is going to be more sexual in general than one who doesn’t. Still, the survey throws up some interesting questions that challenge received thinking in this area.

I am aware that I risk a backlash from the no-fap brigade here. Personally, my feelings about eschewing masturbation are mixed. I’ve tried no-fap periods and I haven’t noticed any particular increase in focus and productivity at work, or indeed success with girls. In fact, the only tangible effect has been to give me a painful set of blue balls.

That said, I do recognize the value of limiting masturbation, and certainly refrain from it during times of the day when I’m working on projects (as it tends to sap my energy temporarily) and prior to a night out. Roosh has an interesting post on this here.

5 Ways Porn Might Not Be Bad For Your Game

Of course, I have gone through long periods of avoiding porn altogether (it is possible to fap without it!), uncertain of its effects and nervous of going down the rabbit hole of addiction. But having also had phases when my usage has been relatively high, I am able to compare, and I can definitely state that it was during the latter that my sex drive has been at its height.

By the way, I don’t intend to give wholesale endorsement to a survey that suggests that men should be casual about indulging in what for a minority can be a damaging habit. It’s a little like those news articles that tell us that a glass of red wine a day is good for you – perhaps, but not if you’re an alcoholic.

Therefore I would caution you to know your limits. If you find yourself watching porn to the exclusion of everything else then you are developing a compulsion and you should stop. But let’s be honest – we now live in a world where well-produced, high-definition hard-core pornography is freely available in a volume that that has never been seen before.

It is naïve to assume that most guys who read ROK don’t use it to a greater or lesser degree. Therefore, counter-intuitive as it may seem, it is worth considering those reasons why its judicious use might actually help your game.

1. It Puts You In A Permanently Horny Mood

Whatever your view of fap-matter might be, the fact is that it gets you horny. A YouPorn session is almost like a wake-up call, reminding you that sex is happening out there right now, and making you eager for a slice of the pie.

2. It Makes You See Girls As Sex Objects

5 Ways Porn Might Not Be Bad For Your Game

The reason feminists complain about porn is because, in their view, it objectifies women. This is precisely why the committed swordsman can benefit from watching it. In order to truly cut a swath through the Elysium fields of top notch punani, it is necessary to objectify girls.

Seeing them as delicate individuals with complex thoughts and feelings leads to “nice guy” behavior, which, as we all know, dries snatch quicker than sand. Watching a succession of cute young things banging on camera will soon desensitize you to their individual quirks, and encourage you to pursue them for sex with single-minded intensity.

3. It Teaches You How to Be Good at Sex

5 Ways Porn Might Not Be Bad For Your Game

Let’s face it, porn has done a far better job at teaching the mechanics of sex than generations’ worth of sex ed classes at high school ever have. Feminine-primary sources claim that porn creates unrealistic expectations of sex, and they might be right. But they also give young men (and women) a better drilling in the art of drilling than almost any other medium.

4. It Stops You From Thinking In Terms Of Good Girls vs. Bad Girls

5 Ways Porn Might Not Be Bad For Your Game

Belle Knox – good girl from Duke gone bad

This excellent article illuminates an obvious truth. It’s very difficult to maintain the illusion that there are “good girls” and “bad girls” and that these groups are distinct from one another when one sees the sweetest, most angelic looking ladies taking part in the most debauched sexual acts imaginable on-screen.

The sheer volume of porn available in 2015 means that it is inevitable that a girl who looks and behaves almost exactly like the one up on that pedestal you’ve created for her is doing all sorts of outrageous things on a laptop near you now. There are no good girls – merely girls who have (so far) proved resistant to your own particular brand of game.

5. It Focuses Your Desire And Gives You Something to Aim For

Watching attractive women getting down on-screen demonstrates to your subconscious that sex is real and tangible, and somehow makes it seem more attainable, even if you’re in the midst of a dry spell. It can also put the fire in your belly to pursue it.

In Sperm Wars, Robin Baker speculates that the reason that men are aroused by porn is that the sight of other guys sexing girls raises their desire to impregnate them with their own sperm, so there is at least the chance that they can genetically replicate. This competitive desire is retained after your porn session has ended and you are in the club, and you can harness it to your advantage.

As with everything, moderation is key. But don’t be too quick to assume that porn, along with any other resource scorned by feminists and left-leaning media, is entirely without utility.

Read More: Girls Are Fundamentally Lazy


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