Feminists like to claim that men forced women to adopt a subservient role at the dawn of civilization, but it is more likely that men lured women into civilized life by bribing them. After all, when chimps are given treats in a lab, the first thing the males do is offer them to the females in return for sex.
This practice, in essence, is what patriarchy is all about. Men in settled towns or villages offering women shelter, a reliable food supply, and protection in exchange for monogamous pair bonding. This practice of monetary capitalism and sexual socialism has kept human societies together for thousands of years. Mating may be a little boring, and you may grow to despise your spouse, but you get a shot at having a family and raising offspring, which is the primary motivation that drives men to do the difficult and dangerous work that civilization requires.
Fast-forward to 1960 and this system of motivating men may have worked too well. They had invented machines that made housework so easy that for the first time in history housewives grew bored. Bored women become rebellious; rebellious women stir up trouble; and bam—we have second-wave feminists who view homemaking as so tedious that it isn’t even necessary.
Society falls apart as the crucial role of mothering gets outsourced to daycares, women enter the workforce where they stir up more trouble, wages plummet, costs rise, homemaking becomes financially improbable, and society turns into a nuthouse with feral children running around spouting Cultural Marxism because they don’t know any better.
What’s the solution? We can’t send women back to the kitchen. They don’t like it there. They’re bored. The obvious solution is to let women figure it out for themselves. Problem is, women aren’t very good problem solvers. They place themselves first and leave their families to suffer – if they have one. They try to be men, but they’re not very good at it, and we men don’t like them anymore.
So, as always, it is men that must find the solution. We must lure women back into the home by making it more attractive than the work environment. Society depends on us doing exactly that. Problem is, how do we do it?
Indian Island

There used to be a ramp between the dock and the pier. In the 1920’s there was a mansion and a vineyard on the island. Now only the water tower remains.
When I was a kid, my family would go camping on Indian Island in Clear Lake, California with several other families. Each mom would bring one pre-cooked dinner. There would be several coolers of drinks that were fair game and tons of snacks. The boys would set up camp on the far side of the island, while the girls took the nearest, flattest, best camping spot because the eldest girl’s father owned the island (female privilege).
On the way in and out, the boys would carry all the heavy stuff, and the girls would strut around and do almost nothing. The dads would launch the boats and take us water skiing, knee-boarding, wakeboarding, tubing, and an occasional trip to the hot springs, while the wives lounged around between meals and read romance novels.
It was a magical place for a young boy. We were free to do whatever we wanted, and we could stare at the bikini-clad bodies of the older girls to our hearts’ content. I have many stories to tell about that place that are not relevant to this article. Suffice it to say that it was a lesson in stress-free living when multiple families work together.
The reason I bring this up is because it shows that (1) gender roles magically pop back into place when people go camping, because there is nothing that can compel women to find firewood when there are young men around, (2) that cooking for 30 people isn’t that much harder than cooking for four when you plan ahead, and (3) both men and women are happier when they have other men and women to spend time with so they aren’t stuck with only their significant other for company.
Enter Tribal Patriarchy
Which brings me to the idea of Tribal Patriarchy. Suburbs suck. There’s nowhere to go, nothing to do, and nobody’s home because everyone is commuting. Family dinners are extinct. Living in the city is no better. It’s no place for children. Living in the countryside can be lonely, too, if you don’t have company.
What social arrangement did humans have for most of their time on Earth? That’s right, tribes. Tribes give people a community, an identity, a culture, an “us” to juxtapose to a world of “them.” Multiple families working together increases efficiency in all the tasks that life requires. It gives children multiple role models to emulate. It gives parents the opportunity to either get involved and oversee everyone’s kids, or let someone else do it so they can relax.
Imagine a home designed for four families instead of one. The children have friends to play with. The moms can coordinate their efforts and have one pair of women cook and look after their kids for a day, while the other two work or have the day off. Dads can coordinate their schedules so at least one has time to coach the soccer team. The moms can drive the kids to school, sports, and social events in large vans, reducing the number of vehicles needed.
Dads can carpool to work if their jobs are near enough. And when they’re not working they can hang out in the garage and do projects together, man-bonding while retaining their masculinity. Moms are never bored or alone because they have a friend to share their chores with. Ironing alone is a lonely, boring task. Ironing while gossiping with friends may actually be fun.
Everyone has a community to belong to. And when the interaction gets too much to handle, couples can go on vacation, secure in the knowledge that their children are being looked after by their best friends. Someone is always on hand to take sick kids to the doctor, go to parent-teacher conferences, and make sure the boys don’t poke each other’s eyes out. Everyone gets to socialize with their peers. Maybe everything is done so efficiently that parents actually have a chance to relax — something that is missing in our modern, fast-paced world.
A common theme on ROK is that we want women to be homemakers again because children and society need someone to fill that role. But if we wish to prove to women that we love them, and have their best interests at heart, we cannot send them back to a lonely home that bores them. Instead, we must lure them back into the home with the carrot and not the stick. One way to do that is by making the home a greater social center than the workplace, and voila – most of our societal problems are solved.
Multiple families working together increases efficiency. Having multiple sets of parents around decreases the workload of each individual parent. Letting your best friends co-parent your kids reduces your anxiety that the babysitter isn’t giving them the attention and guidance they deserve. Tribal Patriarchy meets all of these needs and more.
It takes a village to raise a child, and we know that public schools are not an adequate substitute for a village. If we want to protect our children from government indoctrination, we parents need help. What better way to address that need than to form a coalition with our closest friends and invite them into our homes, form a tribe, and give our wives and children the support they need and deserve?
Read More: Why Patriarchy Is The Greatest Social System Ever Created
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