A fun run organised by the Derian House Children’s Hospice, in which fathers dress in drag to raise money for sick and terminally ill children, has been reported as a “hate crime” to police by a transgender activist group. The Chrysalis Transsexual Support Group reported the 5km “Dames on the Run” race as a hate crime in order to prevent the event going ahead.
The race is described by Derian house as “drawing on the much-loved Pantomime Dame character that is part of our theatrical heritage and supported by hundreds of thousands of people in every year.” The transgender activists said however that the race was “dehumanising.” Lancashire Police issued a statement indicating that no action would be taken in respect of the alleged “hate crime.”
“Dehumanising”: the latest unfalsifiable SJW allegation
Steph Holmes, of the transgender group Chrysalis, told the local newspaper Chorley Guardian:
We get enough confusion with the word transgender, which mixes us up with transvestites. Transvestites certainly don’t dress for comic purposes and I don’t get up in the morning and think ‘what can I put on today to give people a laugh?
This race pokes fun at cross-dressing and, by association, us, reducing us to objects to be laughed at. Dehumanising us this way gives carte blanche to those that would do us physical harm, much like the gay bashers of old.
“She” added:
It’s a small step from ridicule to persecution. The current stats suggest a 34 per cent chance of beaten up, raped or killed for being trans. We do not need to give the bigots any more ammunition.
I am sure that Derian House didn’t intend to give offence. The very fact that it’s a children’s hospice should make them sensitive to potential bad publicity and the effect that this has on young trans people.
Derian House Children’s Hospice said in response:
As a children’s hospice, we deal with highly sensitive and emotive issues all the time and would never have considered organising a fundraising event that might cause upset or offence.
…It was intended appeal to the fathers of desperately sick children, who do so much to hold their family together in the face of their child’s devastating illness and who ask for very little support in return.
We wanted to provide an opportunity for them to participate in a fun-packed event and encourage other men to show their support and raise vitally needed funds for the hospice.”
We were shocked to receive a complaint, and our chief executive wrote immediately to apologise for any offence caused and assure her that none was intended. She has accepted an invitation to visit the hospice on Monday.”
Denials and counter-denials
In a further twist to the story, the charity Chrysalis, which purports offer help with “gender identity issues” in South Hampshire and Dorset, put out a statement distancing itself from the complaint against the hospice:
Various news articles have mistakenly attributed statements made by a member of a transsexual support group, with a similar name, to us. The person who made the statement is not known to us and has absolutely no connection to us. The support group in question is not known to us and has absolutely no connection to us and IS NOT a registered charity.
No member or beneficiary of our organisation has made any complaint or derogatory comment regarding the Derian House Children’s Hospice fun run. We wish to disassociate ourselves from these reports as the views presented do not reflect our own in the slightest.
“Steph Holmes” later told homosexual news or that “she” did not report Derian House to authorities. Lancashire Police however, said: “We are aware of and investigating an incident that was reported to us as a hate crime on Thursday.”
Holmes was later reported as fearing for “her” safety and claimed to have been falsely accused of trying to block a fund-raising event for sick children. “She” denied reporting the matter to the police, claiming that “she” simply thought it insensitive and wanted to ask Derian House to do a different race theme. “She” alleges, contrary to published accounts, that an individual who holds no formal position in Chrysalis Transsexual Support Group referred the matter to Lancashire Police.
A Bingo Hall Bruce Jenner
Steph Holmes underwent gender reassignment surgery to become a woman at 50 years of age. She told the Daily Star tabloid in January of this year that “her” parents bought “her” strappy black heels as a Christmas present at three years of age.
In March 2010, Holmes consulted a doctor to start “her” transition. Now, Holmes reports feeling “complete.”
Brave New Cock-Slicing World
The LGBTBBQ “community” harbours some real outliers of the human condition, men and women so tortured by hormones and psychological demons they revolt against nature by enlisting surgeons to slice them in order to become other than what nature intended them to be.
In May of this year, Roosh Valizadeh wrote in his article, People Should Not Be Allowed Unlimited Personal Freedom, that:
Most humans are not capable of wisely using their freedom, and so they must be restrained and managed by rules or by those who know what’s best for that individual more than the individual himself.
He continued to say that:
The more freedom you give to the average person, the more they will harm not only themselves but others whom they come across.
The freedom to employ a highly skilled surgeon to slice your penis open and tuck it up inside your body so you can prance around pretending to be the “real woman” you always wanted to be, is certainly a freedom that will have been envisaged by Roosh in his short and punchy piece.
Pushing the agenda
I have no problem with Steph Holmes or Bruce Jenner adopting whatever gender identity the felt like when they woke up this morning, and shouting it from the rooftops. Just keep your hand out of my pocket. Vice has reported with the unbridled glee of a shitlib that California had become the first state to pay for a prisoner’s transgender surgery. “Shiloh Quine” is a “woman” who has been served 35 years of life sentence for murder. Californian rate-payers will foot the bill.
What concerns me in all this charade is the coterie of single-issue extremists of all stripes, not just those espousing trans or other subsets of LGBTBBQ, who are out to stir the pot and cause trouble in the wider “normal” community.
Recent news has covered such telling tales as the Canadian bulldyke refused a haircut by a Muslim barber, the British lesbians who got upset over being barred from “Bring your dad to school day” at their kids’ school,” the woman who had her Planet Fitness membership revoked for complaining about a transgender “woman” using the women’s locker room. That’s before we get on to the numerous “gay wedding cake” cases of persecution of religious minorities.
Intolerance of intolerance is a virtue
The tolerance of difference should not include tolerance of the intolerance for norms and customs of broader society. The advocates who speak on behalf of the LGBTBBQ “community” love to portray them as a loveable and harmless circus of eccentrics, all platform shoes and glitter and lycra. The reality is that in these circles move bitter extremists with a radical agenda to attack and destroy everything that is held dear by the majority.
One glaring example is the miserly-hearted meanness of the character who tried to ruin a charity fun run in drag to the police as a “hate crime.” Meanness and a drive to subvert and destroy every institution, in a Gramscian march, inform such actions, just as they do every token fuck you to the status quo, from #KillAllMen to the NUS drive to ban gay men appropriating black women.
Bruce Jenner and Steph Holmes can dress up in skirts and wear lipstick for all I care. It does me no harm besides filling me with a queasy feeling of disgust, which I can ignore. It’s the carefully chosen attacks on the communal activities of ordinary people by miscreants of a radical stripe that requires our immediate attention and defensive action.
Read Next: Are Transsexuals Who Sleep With Straight Men Guilty Of Rape?
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