The Eastern Bloc and its women remained isolated for a while from what is known as modern Western culture. In 1991, the wall collapsed and the girls drank avidly from the poisoned chalice given to them. As some of our authors have written, the ideal of the Eastern European girl is slowly chipping away because of this.
The pictures that follow would make even Vladimir Putin cringe (then reach for his Makarov). You have been warned:

Blonde walk in Riga, Latvia. Or when “vapid” becomes a badge of honour

Plus size modeling ham planets have reached Russia. Guess where that came from

A class that teaches girls how to twerk in Siberia

Halloween in Moscow’s metro. Don’t move, maybe it will go away

Sveta Bylialova, one of the many EE Instagram attention seekers, when she is not busy getting defecated on in Dubai by an Arab sheik
More on this: Do Women Become Irreparably Damaged After Allowing Arab Princes To Defecate On Them?

Blowjob course and its students in Russia

I have heard this somewhere before
This is the next step: Research Suggests That A Woman’s Body Incorporates DNA From The Semen Of Her Casual Sex Partners

English teacher creates sensation on the Russian-speaking web. Would this happen without Western culture?

Russian girl tattooed her boyfriend’s name on her face. Before and after

Hipster meeting in Omsk, Siberia

Elina Desaine, Latvian student in the UK. Self-proclaimed “modern day feminist” and dubbed most promiscuous student in the country

A street, somewhere in the former Soviet Union. Notice the look of the girl in blue, on the left

Zombie walk in Kiev

The music festival of Kazantip. Drugs, techno, promiscuity and bisexual poses for the social networks. Could be renamed: “The Petri dish where you leave them free and see what happens” festival

Passport made in the USSR. Mind plugged on MTV

Goth wedding in Moscow. Hope condoms from the Western world have reached them too

The self-proclaimed “Serbian Queens of Silicone”

Ukrainian football supporter. Textbook “thousand cocks stare”

The article 228 is the Russian penal code entry regarding the possession of narcotics. T-shirt says: “Beware of 228 if you powder your little nose”

Valeria Lukyanova, the “Ukrainian Barbie”, with her gran and a friend. Would you?

Russian cosplay event

Тimati, mystery meat gangsta rap idol from Russia and his philosopher friends

Girls show their tits for cash in the street
Here is the story: Feminists Rage Spiral When Teenager Shows What Young Women Will Do For $120

Eastern Europe’s golden youth having fun. Kesha would be proud
Sing along: The Party Slut Anthem

This one does not start with the same chances as the others

The Ukrainian Femen members. No need to introduce them
Learn more: Is FEMEN Promoting Female Degeneracy Under The Guise Of Feminism?
These examples are luckily not the majority as stronger values than in the West still manage to hold it together. Here is what happens when the girls value their own culture:

Russian female police officers during a parade

Woman diving in an icy lake during a winter celebration

Georgian girls

LIFE magazine’s view of Soviet young people in 1967

Ukrainian girl in traditional garment

A modern-day Kazakh girl

Scene of a country wedding in Belarus

Bulgarian girls during the numerous festivals that celebrate the Bulgarian identity

Young sailor and his bride

Soviet car ad

Scene on a cruise ship during the Soviet times

Something tells me this one does not show her arse on Instagram

Another Ukrainian football fan. Observe the difference

Russian athlete during the international Student Games

Slavic girl in traditional clothes

Random Polish girls during a Slavic festival. They are happy to cook and bring water to the men

Summer party in USSR in the 60’s
Those are scenes that can still be qualified as being the “everyday life” of Eastern European girls. But for how long?
Read More: Can The Ways Of Eastern European Men Inspire Us To Revitalize Western Masculinity?
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