Several months back, I flew fourteen hours away from my home country to embark on an undergraduate degree in the United Kingdom. Of course, the battles that we see on the political arena and even on the ground between immigrants and “fascistic, racist, far-right” nationalists (as the deceived world today believes) do not concern a group of immigrants called foreign students. Nevertheless, I realized the realm of tertiary education can be seen as a microcosm of the society outside it.

Stereotypical image portrayed on brochures, flyers, booklets pertaining to university advertisement material – as if ethnic diversity in reality is that charming.
So, in the first place, what are some reasons why a university would open doors to foreign students? These are probably the “official” reasons given:
1. Money
Foreign students pay much higher fees, and they also have to spend on non-academic products and services for sustenance—not only are liberal policies embraced by education administrators but government has rationale for opening the floodgates to foreign students.
2. Diversity
A more diverse student population should benefit the home students as they will be exposed to different viewpoints, perspectives, etc. Their minds are broadened, their knowledge of how other cultures are like will somehow make them more “well-rounded students.”
3. Talent
The very best universities in the world already have long histories of attracting the brightest minds in the world. Opening doors to foreign students increases the chances of the university educating a future revered leader of a country or the next multi-billionaire.
The “red-blooded” ones among you may already sniff a faint, foul smell of modern-day, liberal philosophy garbage at the sight of the word “diversity.” Steady there, this is just the whiff from a mile away, it gets better—or rather, worse.
The truth is that money is the only benefit for the destination country. Paralleling the world outside the university, a cultural enrichment that is hoped to be gleaned from mass immigration is only in theory.
Do you think the ethnic enclaves formed by immigrants in a part of a city—or even an entire city—has no similar phenomenon in universities? Wander around the university campus from late morning until early evening and you will see what the social scene is like: cliques of white students, white couples, black students together, bearded Arab guys together, and large groups of Asian students of various nationalities or ethnicities. Of course, sometimes you see interracial couples or one black guy in a clique of white students, but what I tell you is the majority of cases, and you can see it in plain sight when you walk about a university campus.
Where is the integration? How are the benefits of cultural enrichment (if there is even such a thing) going to materialize if the cultures do not entangle? How is it any different from foreign ethnic enclaves taking over British towns when a Chinese student speaks only in Mandarin with his Chinese friends, shops at the Chinese supermarket, eats out at Chinese restaurants, goes back to his accommodation full of other Chinese students, watches Chinese dramas online, and the list goes on. I am sure you get my point.

Chinese students—probably the most isolated foreign group in universities
In the first place, many foreign students do not even have a decent level of proficiency in English. If you cannot even communicate properly and sufficiently in English, then my question to you is, “What are you doing here in the UK?” How can you participate in classes, and share your supposedly “diverse, interesting, out-of-the-box perspectives and ideas” when you cannot even speak English in England? This has been my experience in all of my group assignments so far: work gets allocated early on, naturally, work is split as equally as possible. When the time comes, the foreign students produce their horribly inferior work and the rest of the group have no choice but to re-do the parts contributed by the foreign students.
Worse yet, in this world we red pill men realize, criticism cannot be given out of “respect for others of differing nationalities”—purely for the sake that they are different and we should be understanding. How about these students understand that they are making life difficult for their peers because of their ridiculously poor level of proficiency in English? Just as with other types of immigrants, most foreign students do not give two hoots about the history, geography, and culture of the destination country. Their only purpose is to get the piece of paper and fly back to their home country, and apply for jobs while selling the notion that they studied overseas and have an edge over those who did not.
There is absolutely no interest in learning and engaging in the culture of the destination country: whether it be music, sports, film, festivals, etc.

I highly doubt many—or any at all—of my fellow foreign students can describe the English culture in the terms shown below the water surface level in the picture above.
Responsible Immigration
Now, does it not seem hypocritical that I would be so critical of foreign students when I am one myself? If I may say, is it not the same dilemma that a Trump-supporting Hispanic may face?
I must realize that I am not the majority. What this means is that while I condemn foreign students as a whole—we are truly not giving anything else back to the destination countries apart from money, and we are not gaining any of the advantages that are supposed to arise from studying overseas. Is this not the same with immigrants outside the university? While the liberals will say that they contribute in certain ways, are they not also destroying the social fabric of the destination countries? For every immigrant taking up a job or applying for social benefits, are they not taking away that which could have been given to a local?
The paragraph above gives rise to a debate over open borders. I will leave that for other writers or an article by me in future. In short, I believe every country should accept a small number of immigrants for the sake of tapping on the talents, the brains, the perspectives of someone from “outside.” It is vital to understand that immigration in theory is supposed to be a good thing, but the massive immigration we see today (or actually, in the last few decades) has destroyed the ideal picture of immigration benefiting the destination country.
The reason is simply the number: with massive immigration, you are basically transplanting an entire race or nationality of people into another country, and as many articles here on ROK have commented on, the immigrants will slowly devour the culture of the destination country.
Allow me to propose to you what it means to be a responsible immigrant from the perspective of a university student. I am sure there are parallels can be drawn and applied to outside of the university campus. To start off, this should be the first rule for any immigrant:
- Embrace the culture of the destination country; if you abhor it, go back home.
- Second rule: do not bring your culture over wholesale when you move to another country.
These two rules alone should be preached to all Muslim immigrants in Western civilizations. Problems with women’s covering, lack of Halal offerings, not enough road signs in your mother tongue, etc? Then go back to where you came from.
Now, I will look at the different facets of society that relate to an immigrant. I will try to portray the image of a Responsible Immigrant—an immigrant who should be embraced in this age of a flood of uncontrolled, uncivilized, ungrateful, demanding, and parasitic immigration.
The Responsible Immigrant
First, you must ask yourself what is the purpose of moving to another country. Why is it that you cannot pursue your endeavour in your home country? Why would you want to “flee” from your home where your loved ones and friends are?
After much deliberation and observation of the different profiles of immigrants, I have an idea of what is one kind of immigrant who will turn out to be a good immigrant—one embraced by the destination country. Somewhere in that sea of immigrants, there lies that Responsible Immigrant. He has decided to emigrate because of many “push factors”: he does not feel like he belongs in his home country, he feels like he is very different from his family, friends, neighbours, countrymen. Not only that but he is probably feeling frustrated with his current environment, and needs to move somewhere else.
Next, after the Responsible Immigrant has decided that the grass will be greener on the other side, he then has to choose a destination. What are some of the common considerations? Language is a very strong point of consideration. It is very difficult to assimilate into a society when you cannot speak the language of that place. Communication plays a big part in the progression of societies. So what good is there between a migrant and his destination country if the migrant either does not know the local language or does not strive to learn it? The last few words before this sentence are very important: it serves as one of the litmus tests differentiating between a responsible immigrant and an irresponsible one.
The next factor will cause controversy: religion. I know we live in an environment (at least, in the Western sphere) that is embracing atheism but like it or not, most countries have their dominant slants, and migrants have to know and understand the implications. I am a Christian, and I do not need anyone to tell me where not to go. The point to stress here is this: religion matters a lot, and so the migrant must think of the implications with his own beliefs and that of the destination country.
Personal Account
The first reason why I believe I am able to connect with the people is because there is no language barrier at all. From my writing, you can tell I am truly fluent in English. Now, for those of you here who are living in an adopted homeland where you are not fluent in the local language, fret not: strive to master it. Prove to the people there that you are willing to be like them in language by trying hard to learn the language. Do not be that irresponsible immigrant living in that immigrant enclave and not needing to speak a word of the local language.
Even though I was born and raised in an Asian country, my upbringing has been largely based on Western ideals and entertainment. Notwithstanding that, I remember that in the months prior to flying to the UK, I devoured British sitcom after sitcom: Hi-De-Hi, Dad’s Army, Not Going Out. When you start enjoying the entertainment—music, film, etc.—from the destination country, it does teach you certain things about the society there that you just do not find in Wikipedia. Many times, I surprise locals when I steer conversation to local entertainment. It brings a smile to their face when they realize they do not only have to keep asking me, “So, in your country, do they…”.

If this is your only form of entertainment in the UK, for example, there is no way you are going to integrate with the locals socially.
Finally, the mindset I have adopted ever since landing in the UK has helped me understand and appreciate the UK. Is it so probable that I have not met with things that I dislike or even hate? Of course not. For one, I do not binge-drink, and I am an “early-sleeper.” On many nights in the week, the student accommodation areas will be very noisy until 2 or 3 a.m. Although under the accommodation contract, I have the right to call in security to my flat to break off the parties, do I do that? As a Responsible Immigrant, I jolly well accept that the culture among the university students here includes late-night partying, loud music, and cliques of students screaming popular choruses late into the night.
Perhaps, it is not so much about the immigrant issue but the issue of being a minority: you’re black, you’re a woman, or maybe you’re a Muslim but somehow you find yourself subscribing to the beliefs this website. You may be wondering how to reconcile your life or your beliefs to this new-found philosophy. You need to realize you are truly a minority. Your people are not like you. You are different.
If you are an immigrant right now, I urge you to be a Responsible Immigrant. Do not expect the same kind of treatment as locals. If you feel slighted, insulted, and discriminated against, who cares? Your ancestors did not bleed for the sovereignty of the destination country and culture. Keep your mouth closed, flash a wry smile, and fight for your honour and dignity through deed and character. I appeal to you on the philosophical level too: how often we slam our ideological enemies for always demanding for this and that. Are you going to be a hypocrite demanding for equality? Or are you going to win over the local people by making real effort to assimilate over the long-run?
Trust me, when the only difference between you and your adopted country is your skin colour, you are that Responsible Immigrant who will be embraced by the local people.
Read More: What The Social Justice Coup Attempt At Yale University Looked Like
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