How Brave New World Author Aldous Huxley Foresaw Modern America In 1958

How Brave New World Author Aldous Huxley Foresaw Modern America In 1958

Brave New World is one of the most important novels of the 20th century. Aldous Huxley’s novel anticipates developments in reproductive technology, sleep-learning, psychological manipulation, and social conditioning that combine to change society into a dystopian hell. More than just a novel, it is a social commentary that has withstood the test of time and is more relevant today than when it was published in 1931.

Huxley was interviewed about his novel by Mike Wallace for ABC television in 1958, and Huxley’s predictions are astonishing in that they accurately portray life in the world we have awakened to in 2016.

The full interview can be seen here, and some of the most important segments of the interview are analyzed below.

Not A Conspiracy Theory

Rather than being some “conspiracy theory” (which, incidentally is a CIA-created code word to discredit people), the ideas of Huxley instead appeal to man’s often sociopathic lust for power and control, which is the force driving today’s Anglo-American cultural Matrix. Huxley explains this idea:

I don’t think there are any sinister persons deliberately trying to rob people of their freedom, but I do think, first of all, that there are a number of impersonal forces which are pushing in the direction of less and less freedom, and I also think that there are a number of technological devices which anybody who wishes to use can use to accelerate this process of going away from freedom, of imposing control.

Huxley foresaw the bureaucratic, authoritarian, micromanaging government the United States now lives under. The following passage illustrates that.

Another force which I think is very strongly operative in this country is the force of what may be called of over-organization. As technology becomes more and more complicated, it becomes necessary to have more and more elaborate organizations, more hierarchical organizations, and incidentally the advance of technology is being accompanied by an advance in the science of organization.

It’s now possible to make organizations on a larger scale than it was ever possible before, and so that you have more and more people living their lives out as subordinates in these hierarchical systems controlled by bureaucracy, either the bureaucracies of big businesses or the bureaucracies of big government.

At The New Modern Man, we call this collusion of big business and bureaucratic interests the Corporate-Government Complex. This infographic explains the concept.

How Brave New World Author Aldous Huxley Foresaw Modern America In 1958

The intersection of big business and government interests Huxley warned about is today’s Corporate Government Complex

How The Corporate Government Complex Expands Its Power

Huxley knew that having an educated populace was not insurance against total brainwashing by propaganda methods. In America, these methods were perfected by Edward Bernays, nephew of Sigmund Freud. Bernays invented the principle of using corporate and government propaganda to “engineer consent” by shaping the thoughts, values, and responses of the masses. Bernays proved those who create knowledge and propaganda rule over the rest of society. Huxley continues:

Hitler used terror on the one kind, brute force on the one hand, but he also used a very efficient form of propaganda, which he was using every modern device at that time. He didn’t have TV, but he had the radio which he used to the fullest extent, and was able to impose his will on an immense mass of people. I mean, the Germans were a highly educated people.

Just as Huxley predicted, advancing technology has imperiled the principles of freedom in the 21st century. It started with television, but has since advanced to smaller and smaller devices with the current goal of microchipping the entire population, rendering them subservient to financial interests and the state. Huxley goes on, proving that not all progress is good progress when it is hijacked by an elite who want nothing but pure power.

What I feel very strongly is that we mustn’t be caught by surprise by our own advancing technology.

This has happened again and again in history with technology’s advance and this changes social condition, and suddenly people have found themselves in a situation which they didn’t foresee and doing all sorts of things they really didn’t want to do. It’s not creating a wide front of distraction it’s creating a one-pointed, drumming in of a single idea, all the time. It’s obviously an immensely powerful instrument.

How Brave New World Author Aldous Huxley Foresaw Modern America In 1958

Today’s mind-altering drugs like SSRIs are the somas from Huxley’s novel


Huxley foresaw today’s current medical-pharmaceutical complex, in which the media (the creators of knowledge and propaganda Bernays discussed) persuade the masses to believe the solution to every problem they have in life is a trip to the doctor and a pill.

There are frightening similarities between Huxley’s soma and today’s SSRI antidepressants. Huxley talks about somas with Wallace:

This is a very interesting subject. I mean, in this book that you mentioned, this book of mine, Brave New World, I postulated it a substance called ‘soma,’ which was a very versatile drug. It would make people feel happy in small doses, it would make them see visions in medium doses, and it would send them to sleep in large doses.

I think it’s quite on the cards that we may have drugs which will profoundly change our mental states. I mean, this is the… the pharmacological revolution which is taking place.

Indeed, SSRIs are dangerous drugs as they alter the brain in such a way it becomes dependent on the drugs, and are strongly correlated with mass shootings. Drugs are only one aspect of his vision for dystopia which have come to pass. Huxley went into detail about how propaganda would be used.

How Brave New World Author Aldous Huxley Foresaw Modern America In 1958

Today’s media runs purely on a propaganda model

Propaganda Techniques And Scientific Dictatorship

Huxley knew that a dictatorship of the future would rely on propaganda instead of only relying on brute force, as had always been the case in the past.

Well, to start with, I think this kind of dictatorship of the future, I think will be very unlike the dictatorships which we’ve been familiar with in the immediate past. I mean, take another book prophesying the future, which was a very remarkable book, George Orwell’s 1984.

This book was written at the height of the Stalinist regime, and just after the Hitler regime, and there he foresaw a dictatorship using entirely the methods of terror, the methods of physical violence. Now, I think what is going to happen in the future is that dictators will find, as the old saying goes, that you can do everything with bayonets except sit on them!

Huxley knew the days of using bayonets or force was passing, and instead the elite were working on scientific dictatorship, a type of dictatorship which uses science in a perverse way. Instead of advancing the human species with science, the elite subjugate the human species with its knowledge.

Pushing Cultural Marxism and taking The Long March approach, tearing down traditional Western institutions one by one starting in the 1960s, progressing with the “limited learning for lifelong labor” educational approach exposed by whistleblower Charlotte Thomson-Iserbyt in the 1980s, and arriving at today’s exposure of the media as a mass brainwashing tool by the arrival of the Internet, is how the following predictions of Huxley have played out in the real world.

But, if you want to preserve your power indefinitely, you have to get the consent of the ruled, and this they will do partly by drugs as I foresaw in “Brave New World,” partly by these new techniques of propaganda. They will do it by bypassing the sort of rational side of man and appealing to his subconscious and his deeper emotions, and his physiology even, and so, making him actually love his slavery.

I mean, I think, this is the danger that actually people may be, in some ways, happy under the new regime, but that they will be happy in situations where they oughtn’t to be happy.

Having spent a decade in the media, I know full well how advertising and persuasion works. As Huxley knew, and Bernays proved, effective propaganda and advertising bypasses rational thought aims directly at the subconscious desires we all have.

[The candidates in the 1956 election] were being advised by powerful advertising agencies who were making campaigns of a quite different kind from what had been made before. And I think we shall see probably, all kinds of new devices coming into the picture. I mean, for example, this thing which got a good deal of publicity last autumn, subliminal projection.

I mean, as it stands, this thing, I think is of no menace to us at the moment, but I was talking the other day to one of the people who has done most experimental work in the…psychological laboratory with this, was saying precisely this, that it is not at the moment a danger, but once you’ve established the principle that something works, you can be absolutely sure that the technology of it is going to improve steadily.

How Brave New World Author Aldous Huxley Foresaw Modern America In 1958

Authoritarianism works best if you can make people love their slavery

Socially Accepted Authoritarianism

Huxley warned of the Managed Democracy and Inverted Totalitarianism we now live under in America today. In effect, people still get to participate in free and fair elections but the choices they get to make do not change the overall system one iota. This is the “Demican” and “Republicrat” phenomenon of today, with parties as two heads of the same hydra. The illusion of choice is given to the masses by the media and advertising.

Advertisement plays a very necessary role, but the danger it seems to me in a democracy is this…I mean what does a democracy depend on? A democracy depends on the individual voter making an intelligent and rational choice for what he regards as his enlightened self-interest, in any given circumstance.

But what these people are doing, I mean what both, for their particular purposes, for selling goods and the dictatorial propagandists are for doing, is to try to bypass the rational side of man and to appeal directly to these unconscious forces below the surfaces so that you are, in a way, making nonsense of the whole democratic procedure, which is based on conscious choice on rational ground.

The following passage from Huxley’s prophetic interview touches on how feminism has taken women out of the home, and how today the state indoctrinates children with propaganda (careerism, the government is a god of sorts in the absence of religion, etc.) from a very young age. As Fabian Socialist Bertrand Russell put it, influences of the home with a mother and father in it are counterproductive to what the social engineers want to accomplish. Huxley continues:

This whole question of children, I think, is a terribly important one because children are quite clearly much more suggestible than the average grownup; and again, suppose that, that for one reason or another all the propaganda was in the hands of one or very few agencies, you would have an extraordinarily powerful force playing on these children, who after all are going to grow up and be adults quite soon. I do think that this is not an immediate threat, but it remains a possible threat.

As Huxley warned, propaganda is a frighteningly powerful tool. With it, the spinmeisters have been able to turn environmentalism and global warming into a religion, as best-selling author Michael Crichton knew. And, as Lord Acton said, power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. What we see today is not a conspiracy as much as it is misplaced power in the hands of the wrong people. Huxley said this to Wallace:

I think one of the reasons is that these are all instruments for obtaining power, and obviously the passion for power is one of the most moving passions that exists in man; and after all, all democracies are based on the proposition that power is very dangerous and that it is extremely important not to let any one man or any one small group have too much power for too long a time.

After all what are the British and American Constitution except devices for limiting power, and all these new devices are extremely efficient instruments for the imposition of power by small groups over larger masses.

The entire idea behind a republic like the United States is that misplaced power has led to disasters in human history, and that no person or group should have that much power over people. But, as freedom becomes nothing more than sloganeering in America, Huxley knew losing it would ultimately lead to our modern day dystopia and the death of creativity.

WALLACE: Mr. Huxley, let me ask you this, quite seriously, is freedom necessary?

HUXLEY: Yes, I should say it is. I mean, a genuinely productive society. I mean you could produce plenty of goods without much freedom, but I think the whole sort of creative life of man is ultimately impossible without a considerable measure of individual freedom, of initiative, creation, all these things which we value, and I think value properly, are impossible without a large measure of freedom.

How Brave New World Author Aldous Huxley Foresaw Modern America In 1958

What decisions do we have this late in the game?

What Can Be Done

What makes this interview all the more remarkable is it was filmed in 1958, but it sounds as though it could have been filmed yesterday. There have been 60 years of warnings about the world we are now in, but the masses have not listened. The cancer of the march of socialism through the institutions of the West is already at an advanced stage, as is the consolidation of financial power into the hands of 10 corporations that control nearly everything we buy and 6 media corporations that control nearly everything we get to see, read, and hear.

This may leave one with a sense of despair. However, in the past the world seemingly marched steadily towards one ideal before revolution tore down the old ideas and made way for new ones.

Will we escape? Or will we fall continue to fall prey to a devious masterpiece of social engineering and social control devised by a sociopathic corporate and government elite who are interested in maintaining their superiority?

At the very least, we can assume a posture of civil disobedience, as journalist John Stossel has suggested. The truth is out there, thanks to the Internet and free speech, while we have mostly uncontrolled use of them.

How Brave New World Author Aldous Huxley Foresaw Modern America In 1958If you like this article and are concerned about the future of the Western world, check out Roosh's book Free Speech Isn't Free. It gives an inside look to how the globalist establishment is attempting to marginalize masculine men with a leftist agenda that promotes censorship, feminism, and sterility. It also shares key knowledge and tools that you can use to defend yourself against social justice attacks. Click here to learn more about the book. Your support will help maintain our operation.

Read more: The Next 50 Years Of Race And Culture In America


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