I received an email from a female ROK reader who wants to stay off the carousel and be a mother before focusing on her career, but is not sure how to do it.
I am a seventeen year old high school student who has been reading RoK and your blog for three years. My attention was first caught by the controversy surrounding the “Five Reasons to Date a Girl with an Eating Disorder” article. Most of my liberal friends were criticizing it, but I was intrigued by a site called “Return of Kings.” As a result, I became a regular site visitor as a fourteen year old.
Your sites have had a notable impact on my opinions and actions. Granted, I take many articles with a grain of salt, but I have found interesting and valid perspectives there (and opinions rarely voiced on my liberal, all-girls school campus).
I find myself considering several options as to my future. I believe that all people, not just women, can have anything they want, but not everything they want. This is the apparent crux of the issues your writers discuss regarding women.
I want a husband, children, and a career. Even looking at successful women with children (e.g. Ann-Marie Slaughter, Sheryl Sandberg), their hectic lives and cutthroat attitudes were less than appealing options for my future.
However, I began consider an alternative route to starting a high-powered career in my twenties, getting hitched and having kids mid-thirties, and subsequently being stressed and miserable. I am considering getting married young (22 would be ideal) to an older, (approx 10 years) wealthy man, having children soon after, raising them, and then start my career in my late thirties.
This way I would be young and healthy in order to have my children, have enough energy to raise them, and still have time for a career (given that my lifespan is estimated around 90 years, starting work around age forty is plenty of time for a career).
I am not asking for advice on the career aspect. I can figure that out myself (I assume I would complete a graduate degree while raising my kids, work part time if possible, then transition to full time as my kids go off to college).
I am asking for advice on if it’s possible for me to find such a man (10 years older, wealthy, willing to marry me), and if so, how. To answer this you should probably know my vital SMV statistics:
I am white;
I am young (and intend to marry/have kids young);
I am facially decent (I can send a picture if you would like, though I request total privacy);
I have long hair, clear skin, and good teeth;
I have a very good physique;
I have excellent hygiene;
I was taught domestic skills by my mother (cooking, cleaning, etc);
I am intelligent (although a woman’s intelligence is considered negligible on RoK, I still consider it an asset);
I am a virgin (never gone beyond kissing).
I’m also American, and will probably remain in America for college, if that information is of use.
Thank you for your time.
Besides her fixation on having a career (albeit after having a family), she has the right idea. She’s already made the right moves to maximize her value in the eyes of a man and has also held on to her virginity. The question that needs to be asked is where she can find an older man in America who wants to marry a virgin and start a family.
Outside of a church community, she has almost no hope. My answer to her would definitely involve joining a church that hasn’t already been subverted by feminism. I’d advise her to go with the Orthodox Christians or the Mormons. And yet another option is for me to help “arrange” a marriage between her and an ROK reader who is ready to be an alpha provider. What say you, reader?
Even though we have been greatly maligned by the press for several years, our message is still having an impact on young men and apparently young women, too, who can see through the media distortions for the practical advice and logical arguments that we offer. While ROK isn’t a huge outlet, it’s definitely making a positive difference on many lives.
Read Next: Act As If Every Girl Were A Slut
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