A man with a functioning libido is public enemy number one in the increasingly bizarre United States of America, a debased nation that liberalism is destroying. Putting tampons in men’s restrooms is just fine, creating 600 genders out of thin air when every other species gets by with two genders is fine, but a rich and powerful man talking about having sexual desire for women and making accurate comments about how women let alpha males do whatever they want has caused the castrati in the media to call into session an impromptu kangaroo court of persecution. Trump is also being given the Julius Caesar treatment by his own party.
The same feminist nation that bought 80 million copies of Fifty Shades of Grey, a book women got hot and bothered reading that features far worse language and actions than the secret recording of Trump, is suddenly aghast when a real life billionaire is revealed to have been talking about trying to fuck some chick and making moves on women. Tepid comments have been enough to cause a stir in the Cucklican establishment, in which anything but gelded deference towards women is verboten. A recording of Trump made my a lowlife media jackal named Billy Bush caught him making the following thought crime comments:
Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything. When you’re a star, they let you do it… You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.
Any man with two functioning testicles and any level of experience with women knows Trump is exactly right. Women turn into instant sluts around rich and powerful men. Hypergamy is the most powerful force in the universe. They absolutely “let you do it.”

In all honesty, O’Dell has likely had more than just a boob job…why is it wrong for a man to point this out?
Trump is also being called a sexist for making these comments about Nancy O’Dell.
I moved on her and I failed. I’ll admit it. I did try and fuck her. She was married. And I moved on her very heavily. I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.
Why is this even an issue when it’s a recording of a supposedly private conversation? Do the sycophants in the media think Slick Willy talked any differently when he was discussing the women he was diddling when he was the governor of Arkansas and later the President? Or when he was flying down to a pedophile’s private island?
Even though Hillary’s obvious pathological lying, criminality and health issues have been swept under the rug, a man displaying a modicum of testosterone was enough to send the 2016 campaign into a frenzy, and the media into overdrive conducting one of their infamous witch hunts against those not in the Marxist/globalist claven.
They did not seem to be bothered by, and even glorified Fifty Shades of Grey, however, a book featuring explicit erotic scenes of dominance and submission, bondage and discipline and BDSM conducted by a sadistic billionaire. The irony, as usual, is completely lost on vapid mediaites.
Republican Response

Typical Cucklican barnhouse crowing followed the Trump character assassination attempt
Predictable attacks on Trump from the cucks in the disgraced Republican party have commenced. Former mayor of New York Rudy Guiliani insinuated that they intended to revolt against Trump all along.
They largely didn’t support him in the first place, so it is not so much of a surprise. You look at it, they were all Republicans who all opposed him and didn’t support him in the past and this is basically the insiders against the outsiders anyway. Donald Trump is the populist candidate. Most of the people that have turned on him are members of the establishment, so I would see this as if you want change in Washington, you vote for Donald Trump. If you want things the same, you vote for Hillary Clinton.
The weasel Paul Ryan predictably came out saying Trump’s functioning libido was “a troubling situation” before he was shouted down with chants of “Trump!” and “See ya, Jackass” from an unfriendly crowd.
There is possibly treason from within the Trump campaign itself as well, as a desperate establishment moves to do whatever it can to avoid losing its grip on power and to keep the globalists’ plans in motion. Mike Pence said he couldn’t defend Trump’s comments and even used the predictable boilerplate language that he was offeeeeended by Trump. The statement from Pence reads like it was stamped out by a sackless PR agent.
As a husband and father, I was offended by the words and actions described by Donald Trump in the 11-year-old video released yesterday. I do not condone his remarks and cannot defend them. I am grateful that he has expressed remorse and apologized to the American people. We pray for his family and look forward to the opportunity he has to show what is in his heart when he goes before the nation tomorrow night.
Then Nevada Cucklican Joe Heck disavowed Trump.

Pence is not defending his boss
Meanwhile, the media completely ignores the fact Gennifer Flowers said Rapin’ Bill Clinton told her Hillary “had eaten more pussy than he had.” The rules of political correctness for those in the out group don’t apply to card carrying globalists, you see.
The Cucklican statements and actions as well as shameless genuflecting and hot air blowing from the media only prove there is a coordinated effort to destroy Trump’s campaign. The media have been chomping at the bit to destroy Trump since the summer of 2015 when they wrote his campaign off before it started.
Look for the meltdown to continue as the vicious manlets and YouGoGrrls in the media foam at the mouth with renewed rabid fervor as they finally have a taste of blood in the water.
Why don’t we just dispense with the entire ruse of having elections in the first place since the establishment media and political power structure have proven time and time again they will do anything to keep We The People from having a voice in their plans to rule us like serfs.
If anything, events like this prove we live in a managed democracy, i.e. a de facto autocracy, in which the power structure empties elections of their potential to change anything in Washington. Reformers will not be tolerated. If they don’t destroy Trump with this pseudo-scandal, look for the measures to take him out to become even more outlandish.
Welcome to the USSA. It’s a one party system with two-card monte.
Read More: Is The American Establishment Trying To Get Donald Trump Assassinated
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