He—and, in far rarer cases, she—stirs in a dark and sweaty room, like Martin Sheen at the beginning of “Apocalypse Now,” pondering the future of America. The setting sun creeps in through the curtains illuminating the sturdy fist that’s bracing his chin.
Thoughts rush through him at an incredible speed, rapidly deconstructing his personal politics, while shattering flimsy, false paradigms in his head like a sledgehammer through plexiglass. As he does this, the bottled-up, deeply suppressed reality of modern American politics starts flowing out with intense clarity.
On one hand, this deluge of enlightenment exhilarates the man; but on the other, he becomes fiercely frustrated that too many others around him, even closest family, are still in the dark. He eventually realizes, after attending dinner parties, reading the local left-leaning newspaper, and engaging in water-cooler conversation, that “too many” is, in fact, nearly everyone but him. Not only do his peers disagree, they accuse him of bigotry and ignorance for the sake of claiming the moral high ground.

“Toronto… shit; I’m still only in Toronto… every time I think I’m gonna wake up back in the jungle.”
Reason and facts fail them. His calmness of tone rattles them. In the end, peers ostracize him by building up a straw man about him in their narrow minds. Thereafter, you consider restricting conversation with people to music, movies, sports, and apolitical current events just to keep the peace.
But you know if you continue down that dark and lonely path you will be suppressing your informed beliefs and turning red as your peers giggle and revel in lazy groupthink around you. At this point, you realize why you are sitting in this room—alone—to begin with.
Face The Enlightenment…
Meet the Closeted Trump Supporter, known herein as the “CTS.” I know: some subscribers to the manosphere will scoff at this type of constituent, and make the, albeit reasonable, claim that concealing your beliefs and convictions out of fear of criticism or exclusion is a noted unmanly trait. While true, the CTS—like myself—has justification for his silence.
It comes down to making a cost-benefit analysis. For example, when living in a hugely liberal big city like Toronto, New York or Chicago (as I do), the CTS has to decide if publicizing his political views benefits his own bigger picture. Unlike Peter Thiel, the CTS does not have the social and monetary capital (yet) to show his true cards while safely knowing his value will out-leverage the consequences.

PayPal cofounder Peter Thiel came out of the closet as a Donald Trump supporter and donated 1.25 million to the man’s presidential campaign.
If the CTS is relatively young and trying to make inroads into his particular industry, or his job depends on collaboration or maintaining a tight, trusted relationship with a group of clients, the best bet for the CTS is to focus on the work and keep the politics out of it, even if his clients or coworkers choose not to.
The CTS understands that most criticisms of Trump are not truly political, anyway. Hating Trump, largely, is just fashionable shop talk in social and professional circles, something that’s easy for a laugh while one kicks back and relishes that fifth glass of Merlot.
The Mainstream Media (MSM) has worked overtime this election cycle exaggerating and twisting the things Trump says. The MSM dominates one of America’s past times—the television—where it seeks to manufacture consent. Regular people, already crippled by their own social anxieties, mimic the MSM consensus in social settings to fit in with the group. A lot of hating Trump comes down to pure peer pressure. Simply, it has become socially acceptable.

The CTS shields his eyes not out of guilt, but weary frustration. The reality is most people just don’t get it.
Hating Trump Is Usually About Peer Pressure
Granted, kernels of truth can be found in many falsehoods. Occasionally, Trump says things that are admittedly boneheaded or rude—his “Two Corinthians” gaffe, “look at these hands” and “eating machine” comments—which draw attention to his thin-skin complex and uncouthness.
It is easy, then, to badmouth Trump because the man has been turned into a walking meme (some of it his doing). At the same time, this is the only part of Trump the MSM chooses to focus on because it has an extreme bias.
The CTS also understands the complexity of The Trump Phenomenon. He grasps the paradox within all this: Trump is clumsy and oafish with his words, he lacks a seasoned politician’s poise, and more than frequently abandons all semblance of tact. And yet, he represents the bedrock of Americana—free speech, sovereignty, and individualism—or everything the current Establishment, meaning the bought-and-paid-for Democrats and Republicans of D.C., hates.
Yes, Trump is a goon. But when you push past the tomfoolery that’s been over-emphasized by the media and pay attention to the beat of his drum, you realize Trump is the best-intentioned, if not the brightest politico in the room. Lacking a politician’s trained tongue, his policies tend to come off as unrealistic and formless. When his ability to articulate fails him, his words spin in circles and get reduced to rhetoric.

Trump may have nearly ate his microphone during the 2nd 2016 Presidential Debate, but he still came out on top with his “you’d be in jail” rebuke.
While Trump’s instincts are sharp, he is not the best at communicating them. Instead, your usual Washington lapdog with the worst instincts (like a Hillary Clinton) is smoother and slicker at conveying his or her policy prescriptions and trending character attacks. See the paradox?
The CTS Gets The Great Paradox
Shakespeare called characters like Trump the “wise fool”—the court jester that unfailingly tells it like it is. The wise fool speaks in idiotic riddles that secretly hint at complex, important issues overlooked by the arrogant aristocrats.
Trump is that puckish character, blatantly explaining to American citizens that their stupid politicians are selling out their country to foreign interests and pulling “down thine own breeches” (if you will) with lousy trade deals.

The Fool In The Storm. Is there not a better metaphor for the rise of Donald Trump?
Since most people are followers with an one-track mind, the CTS cannot convey this complexity without the sheep responding with a dumbfounded furrowed brow. The CTS quickly discovers that the herd cannot comprehend the cognitive dissonance or, simply, do not want to hear it.
Instead, it rebuts with ad hominem attacks that distract from the deeper points the CTS is attempting to explore regarding Radical Islam, illegal immigration, and the globalist agenda. To the herd, you are just another “conspiracy theorist”.
When the CTS deems it necessary to speak his mind, he may relay his thoughts by asking a Socratic question. For example, a leftist coworker is raving at lunch about Trump’s “bad hombres” remark and declaring it another example of the Republican nominee’s racism.
While acknowledging Trump’s offhand choice of words (for a presidential debate), the CTS goes on to inquire how Trump bringing up the fact the United States has 11 million undocumented migrants and that the U.S. government should consider deportations or a pathway to legal status as a solution is racist. That person will likely respond with “he called them all rapists”, to which you affirm that Trump did not call them all rapists; he alluded to the fact that a disproportionate number of illegals are committing crimes, namely drug running, murder, and rape.

Like in a social justice debate, don’t lock horns with your opponent when discussing Trump. Just calmly defeat them with logic.
Instead of locking horns, you casually allow the bullhead to realize the falsities in their arguments. It is non-confrontational and yet you stand up for yourself and the truth.
Some readers may dispute that an alpha male risks confrontation to defend his beliefs. The CTS understands that notion, but also understands that to pick a fight feeds the stubbornness of your opponent and their assumptions of you as a bigot. Russell Brand could have freaked out at MSNBC, but instead he politely pointed out their own stupidity and arrogance, which, in his own way, was asserting his position.
Living With It
Adapt or die, the CTS realizes. When moving away is not an immediate option, the CTS learns how to mix in with his liberal urban populace while managing to hold on to his political beliefs. He accepts his isolation and difference of viewpoints from his peers as the waking up of his individuality.
He ditches Facebook, that leftist bubble. He reads the news he trusts. He continues to be skeptical. He questions authority, when it ought to be questioned. He finally concludes that too many people obsess over asserting their “identity” nowadays at the expense of getting anything done. He doesn’t stress about that; he gets to work.
Today, in The Current Year of morally bankrupt spoiled brats and smartphone zombies, the Closeted Trump Supporter has never felt more alive. And there are plenty of us out there. We’re just waiting to get federalized.
Read More: 6 Simple Habits That Make Donald Trump Successful
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