Here’s a kicker for you: housewives are happier than feminists, and happier than women in any other occupation. It may still be a thoughtcrime to publish that truth, but more people are now questioning female supremacy than ever before. You know change has come when former enemies within are now parroting what you say in the Culture War. In a stunning about face, some cuckservatives are now tepidly and timidly echoing what the manosphere has been saying about women and culture for well over a decade.
More about that in a moment. First, here’s how I know we in the manosphere are right. If there’s anything being truly “multicultural” i.e. traveling and banging women across the world will show a man, it’s what a shitty deal men in Anglo America get. As my travels across the world began, I noticed I felt more welcome abroad as a white man than I did in my home country. This is especially true among attractive and fecund women.
It didn’t take long until I didn’t want to come home to such a fucked up culture in which the sexes compete against each other in some strange survival of the fittest operation rather than cooperating with each other. A man also notices he is not scapegoated for supposed, trumped-up crimes against women, and in a sexually libertine atmosphere like that found in Latin American countries (especially the one I currently enjoy in the Caribbean) he notices several other important differences. Women don’t act like entitled bitches. They don’t look down their noses at men. They don’t hate men. They don’t view sex (especially straight sex) as “dirty” and reproduction as something de-classe “breeders” do. They stand by men and their families.
Then there’s the sexless nature of Anglo America today in which even an attractive guy who knows the principles of game has to jump through all sorts of hoops to get laid. The relations between the sexes have become so mercenary as a result of feminism the family has died and reproduction isn’t occurring at a sufficient rate to sustain European and traditional American people and their culture.

Feminism has unleashed the Law of the Jungle on the West
A sexual jungle has been unleashed, as I detailed earlier this year.
In the past, behaving the way women in the West now do would have been so disastrous the situation would have corrected itself. However, the tax farm we now live on subsidizes this type of behavior with – you guessed it – Beta bucks of hardworking taxpayers. The r-selection paradigm creates an unstable environment (i.e. uncivilized one) and leads to the following:
- Single parenting
- Women with children with many different fathers
- Early sexual maturity in children
- Short generation time (children having children)
- Lack of male participation in society
The natural balance that would have put an end to this, women finding themselves outcast from society or destitute for making childish, irresponsible or fickle choices won’t return unless the system subsidizing it fails.
All the above narratives and the resulting chaos are the result of a 1960s era, Marxist narrative promulgated by the CIA via their cat’s paw Gloria Steinem.
Cleansing Cultural Cancer

Sexy housewives may make a comeback as feminism implodes
Feminism has grown like a cancer in a cultural vacuum. However, there are signs cultural chemotherapy in the form of traditional men with the guts to call a spade a spade is having an effect.
Thanks to the manosphere the feminist guilt trip is now suffering its first brush with reality, and the narrative is increasingly falling apart. Bloggers are talking about how the manosphere helped win Donald Trump the election. And now, even the cuckservative, so-called “mainstream” National Review is calling the culturally and demographically suicidal religion of feminism into question.
After we have been lambasted and called every name in the book for questioning the gynocracy to begin with, the cucks are now echoing the manosphere. In a stunning about-face article entitled Feminism: Women Are Made Weaker By It published just last week the cucks wrote:
Which brings us to the second goal of feminism: enabling women to be strong and making women strong. In one of modern life’s bigger ironies, feminism has actually achieved the very opposite. In America today (as opposed to, let us say, Saudi Arabia, where it does take strength to be a feminist), the more stridently a woman identifies as a feminist, the less strong she is. Feminism has created what is undoubtedly the weakest generation of women in American history.
Whaaaat? It gets even better.
Modern feminists are afraid of life. They are afraid of differences of opinion, and especially afraid of men.
Perhaps the fact men have united in droves against the femcunt narrative, and are openly calling for men to Go Galt and Enjoy the Decline is making the power structure take notice. There is a revolt brewing, and the Pareto Principle relegating 80% of men to sexless lives of servitude to the YouGoGrrl narrative isn’t helping.
Even the Bush-family connected and National Review-endorsed, failed presidential candidate Ted Cruz got the memo about the sea change in conservative politics brought on by the ascension of Trump to the throne.
If we’re given the White House and both houses of Congress and we don’t deliver, I think there will be pitchforks and torches in the streets. And I think quite rightly. I think people are so fed up with Washington, this election was a mandate with change and the most catastrophic thing Republicans could do is go back to business as usual.
Even though we are causing a stir, the manosphere and Alt-Right (of which there is some overlap between us and them) is being relentlessly vilified by the Left in one of their infamous witch hunts. Witness Vox vilifying the Evil White Male once again (i.e. Racial Bolshevism) for daring to look out for his own self-interest and not merrily ingesting the hemlock of the Kill Whitey agenda:
The alt-right’s priority, first and foremost, is preserving America’s status as a white-majority nation. To that end, they want Trump to follow through on the most extreme immigration ideas he’s discussed — such as deporting millions of undocumented immigrants and banning Muslim immigration. These steps, they think, will slow what they call the “dispossession” of America’s whites.
The left is nervous. Nobody listens to their wailing anymore. With feminism now being openly questioned in the media echo chamber there are signs their great ethnic cleansing experiment i.e. multiculturalism may be the next narrative to fall like a domino.

The left continues to scapegoat white men for all the evil in the world while turning a blind eye to true atrocities
One might ask Vox: Does this mean when Mexico tries to preserve its status as a Latino nation, Zimbabwe tries to preserve its status as an African nation, and Saudi Arabia tries to preserve its status as an Arab nation they’re also committing horrible crimes against humanity? No. The narrative from the left is always anti white self-interest.
Even as the Left clings to the Evil White Male phantasm, they stand idly by as real atrocities against women are being committed like cutting the clitoris off young girls.
We are onto your game, bitches.
So, while we have had a stunning success by making the Establishment, check-pants Republicans blink, our fight is far from over. We have won a major battle in a much larger scale war. But the left is already entrenching itself in trying to label anyone with a non-Marxist narrative their favorite playground name-calling term: raaaacist.
We must not relent until the cancer of not only feminism, but Cultural Marxism as a whole is cleansed from the body politic. We are the white blood cells protecting the immune system of the nation state. And now, even weaklings are taking up the mantle of truth which has its roots in the manosphere.
This was true even in Mark Twain’s day. Twain wrote:
In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
The timid are joining us. Let’s march on to cultural victory, gentlemen.
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