What The Anti-Trump Feminist March On Washington Really Means

What The Anti-Trump Feminist March On Washington Really Means

Anxious to show the deplorables they still have balls and still cling to bitter Penis Envy, feminists were out in force in Washington over the weekend with their Starbucks lattes in hand. Establishment media was all over the event like a fatass, glouring feminist at an all you can eat buffet. Daily Mail had such a lengthy article about the “Women’s March on Washington” one might think they were covering a huge story like extraterrestrial life being discovered, when in reality all the story involved was a regurgitation of the same male-hating, anti-children, anti-family bile feminists have been spewing for half a century.

Unfortunately for them, feminists haven’t realized playing the victim card doesn’t work anymore. Anglo women are already the most coddled, pampered, and spoiled individuals on this planet, and the best they can do is fight for the right to kill their children in utero? What the hell? When one sees a spectacle like this, replete with such cultural pirates as Michael Moore, Cher, Charlize Theron, some washed up actress named Jessica Chastain and an aging Ashley Judd preaching the matriarchal evangel, it’s easy to see why white America is demographically dead and disappearing.

Incidentally, this is the insanity I gladly left behind for “fertile” and feminine shores elsewhere.

The red pill man knows never to believe anything women say. One of the most important skills men can learn in their dealings with dissimulating females is to watch what they do instead. Here’s a convenient translation guide to understand what the statistically sterile, solipsistic androgynes really mean when they peer into the camera lenses at the event and seek the attention and sympathy of weak White Knights and sleeping Beta males. But as we all know, women fuck bad boys and only seek to clean out good guys’ wallets.

Anyway, on to the list. Here’s what feminists are really saying when we read through the lines.

“I’m a selfish bitch.”

What The Anti-Trump Feminist March On Washington Really Means

What does Charlize Theron have to be upset about? Being worth $110 million for playing pretend for a living just isn’t enough?

What more do Anglo women possibly want? They already spend 90% more money than they earn in the economy. They gobble up 66% of public spending from the welfare state while men pay 75% of the taxes to support this gynocentric system. Women hypocritically make up 80% of all spending decisions in the materialistic, extremely wasteful and environmentally destructive economy they later complain about as not being “green” enough.

They then hypocritically say they Don’t Need a Man™ while statistics prove them dead wrong. Without men for the government to rob women would be up the creek without a paddle.

What’s most satisfying about the Daily Mail article was reading the “Best rated” comments below the article. Nobody is buying the propaganda establishment media is crapping out anymore. User Right Auntie wrote:

I’m not quite sure what they are protesting. Women in America can drive a car, get an education, get a mortgage and purchase a home. They can be doctors, lawyers, architects, engineers. They can be ministers or atheists. They can have children without men. They can speak their minds. I’m positive that they can still do these things now that Trump is president. This just looks like a giant hissy fit because their candidate lost. Being a sore loser is never a good thing.

Indeed, what are these women protesting? They live such decadent lives they’re literally killing the goose that lays the golden egg as the future belongs to those whose children will be in it, and the men who made their exorbitant, selfish existence possible are either breeding with other ethnic groups or becoming genetic dead ends.

“My sexual promiscuity is more important than a dirty little baby’s life.”

What The Anti-Trump Feminist March On Washington Really Means

Hands off my uterus! Who wants that barren piece of anatomy, anyway baby?

How many methods of contraception do women have today? There is a veritable cornucopia of methods available to women to prevent pregnancy from happening in the first place. But, rather than taking responsibility and actually using one of the dozen and a half methods below, feminists refuse to show the world how Strong and Independent™ they really are by preventing conception and instead opting to fight to the death for the right to kill their unborn children in utero.

Feminists, why not try one of these methods rather than sucking children out of the womb through a tube as is the case in a first trimester abortion, or dismembering them and crushing their skulls as is the case in a second and third trimester abortion?

  • Abstinence
  • Birth Control Sponge (Today Sponge)
  • Birth Control Patch
  • Birth Control Vaginal Ring (NuvaRing)
  • Birth Control Pills
  • Birth Control Shot (Depo-Provera)
  • Birth Control Implant (Implanon and Nexplanon)
  • Female Condom
  • Cervical Cap (FemCap)
  • Outercourse
  • Diaphragm
  • Fertility Awareness-Based Methods (FAMs)
  • Pull Out Method (Withdrawal)
  • Morning-After Pill (Emergency Contraception)
  • Condom
  • Spermicide
  • Sterilization for Women (Tubal Sterilization)
  • IUD

How sadistic are you bitches anyway, to push for abortion rather than personal responsibility, and valuing life rather than presiding over the death of your culture at the hands of your own selfishness?

“I am a hypocrite.”

What The Anti-Trump Feminist March On Washington Really Means

Fat slob Michael Moore, who still hasn’t donated his $50 million fortune to the little people, was at the event

Bill Clinton womanized, fucked half of Arkansas according to state police testimony, got blow jobs in the White House, regularly cheated on and disrespected his wife Hillary as he chased what he called his “peaches” and yet we never saw protests of this kind during his presidency or Hillary’s failed bid for the White House.

Where were the protests for Hillary being an enabler?

There are also rumors Clinton was a regular guest on the island of a convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, flying down on Epstein’s private jet and doing God knows what while he was there. Even the lamestream media had to cover that story. Daily Mail wrote:

Bill Clinton’s relationship with a billionaire pedophile will be thrust into the spotlight once again in a major book by a bestselling author released just weeks before the presidential election.

The former president will face renewed questions over his ties to Jeffrey Epstein, a registered sex offender who was jailed for 13 months in 2008 for soliciting girls for underage prostitution.

Feminists have been silent about that story, while they assail Trump for having normal heterosexual desires and grabbing pussies, much to the delight of hypergamous women when he does so.

“Fathers are less than human.”

What The Anti-Trump Feminist March On Washington Really Means

A decrepit Cher was thawed from her crypt and hauled down to the march

Feminists, tools of the moneyed elite, continue being useful idiots for the NWO socialist world domination project. Along with a tyrannical government, they have turned fathers and men into enemies of the state, as recently revealed at TNMM.

Make no mistake, the institution of the welfare state is the single biggest act of cuckoldry in the history of mankind.

Under the Old World Order, men were charged with the responsibility of loving, supporting, and raising responsible members of society. They were also charged with directing the lives of their often overly emotional (and illogical, short-sighted and fickle) wives in a positive direction.

The institution of the welfare state and child support indentured servitude changed all that as the state cucked men and fathers by using the force of their own tax dollars against them.

Not surprisingly, the state is proving to be an inept leader of human families because the concept and importance of fatherly love and guidance means much more than simply a bureaucracy providing Government Check Dads via the Draconian child support system. Since feminism, women have proven they are not capable of leading responsible lives without male guidance, and our children are paying the price.

None other than Nikola Tesla knew what was coming as a result of this insanity.

Our civilization will sink to a state like that which is found among the bees, ants and other insects–a state wherein the male is ruthlessly killed off. In this matriarchal empire which will be established the female rules. As the female predominates, the males are at her mercy. The male is considered important only as a factor in the general scheme of the continuity of life. The tendency of women to push aside man, supplanting the old spirit of cooperation with him in all the affairs of life, is very disappointing to me.

Woman’s independence and her cleverness in obtaining what she wants in the business world is breaking down man’s spirit of independence. The old fire he once experienced at being able to achieve something that would compel and hold a woman’s devotion is turning to ashes. Women don’t seem to want that sort of thing to-day. They appear to want to control and govern. They want man to look up to them, instead of their looking up to him.

Indeed, the entire affair in Washington as well as 50 years of rabid feminism both reek of an agenda to turn men into nothing more than sperm donors and expendable laborers, and for women to live out their Penis Envy fantasies.


What The Anti-Trump Feminist March On Washington Really Means

Pretty Woman no more: Wearing a “pussyhat” Julia Roberts flaunts her hate for the deplorables

These are only four translations of what feminists really mean when they throw collective hissy fits like the one in Washington. They don’t deserve to have an audience any longer as everyone already knows what they have to say, and what they have to say is cultural poison loaded with anti-male bigotry.

It is an encouraging sign of sea change that we who are members of the new counterculture in America enjoy seeing when people are not listening to what these preachy, entitled feminists have to say as evidenced by the overwhelming backlash in the comments section of a mainstream newspaper article on the event.

Do you think the pendulum is about to swing the other way, away from the cultural and demographic suicide as well as gynocentric imperialism events like this represent?

Ladies, we realize you have a vagina. We realize it is nature’s credit card in your mind. But you are over your victim card credit limit, and your account is about to be closed.

Read More: Why The Female “Anti-Feminist” Is A Feminist In Disguise


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