BBW Meghan Trainor’s New Song “No” Shames Men For Talking To Women

BBW Meghan Trainor’s New Song “No” Shames Men For Talking To Women

The infamous Meghan Trainor, known for her feminist-inspired lyrics (“All About That Bass”, “Lips Are Moving” and “Dear Future Husband” to name a few) has struck again with another song to dissuade any aspiring masculine men our there.

BBW Meghan Trainor’s New Song “No” Shames Men For Talking To Women

Meghan needs a personal “Trainor”

Her new song “No” sounds as if it was especially written for men out there (as are most of her songs) to dissuade them from approaching women that they like and thereby also encouraging girls out there to reject such guys who approach them. Let’s take a look at the lyrics of this delirious song:

1. Intro

I think it’s so cute and I think it’s so sweet
How you let your friends encourage you to try and talk to me
But let me stop you there, oh, before you speak
“Nah” to the “Ah” to the “No”, “No”, “No”

Okay, so here she is basically rejecting an interested guy before he has even opened his mouth to deliver his opener. She clearly doesn’t take into account the amount of anxiety the guy must be feeling, needing encouragement from his friends to go and talk to her. Sure, he is most likely an unattractive dude or whatever, but is such insensitivity really necessary?

2. Chorus

My name is “No”
My sign is “No”
My number is “No”
You need to let it go
You need to let it go
Need to let it go
“Nah” to the “Ah” to the “No”, “No”, “No”

In the chorus, she is clearly demonstrating her unwillingness to be approached by stating that she won’t even provide basic details to the man approaching her. Talking about her astrological sign is clearly female projection, since men don’t care about this and haven’t used it as an opener in roughly 20 years.

3. Verse

First you gonna say
You ain’t runnin’ game,
Thinkin’ I’m believing every word
Call me beautiful,
So original,
Telling me I’m not like other girls

Okay, so here she is repeating what many guys (betas) would say, I guess, that they’re not “running game,” complimenting girls on their beauty and saying they’re different, etc. As any ROK reader knows, these are common mistakes that men are encouraged to avoid.

4. Verse

I was in my zone
Before you came along,
Now I’m thinking maybe you should go
Blah, blah, blah,
I be like “Nah” to the “Ah” to the “No”, “No”, “No”

She mentions being “in her zone” before the guy approached her, and thinking that he “should go.” In other words, she didn’t want to be disturbed by this loser, she wanted to just be left alone. Meanwhile, she is still basking in the attention she’s receiving, regardless of its undesirable source.

5. Bridge

All my ladies, listen up
If that boy ain’t giving up
Lick your lips and swing your hips
Girl, all you gotta say is…

Here she is once again encouraging girls to just flat out reject guys who are brave enough to approach them, while rubbing their forbidden sexuality in the faces of the rejected men.

6. Outro

I’m feeling untouchable, untouchable
I’m feeling untouchable, untouchable
I’m feeling untouchable, untouchable
I’m feeling…

This just reinforces feminist ideas of women being independent and “untouchable” by all but the most desirable of men in the sexual marketplace. Ironically, this ersatz proclamation of value is often espoused most strongly by those who lack it (e.g. a bleached blonde 4.5 who could stand to lose 30 pounds).


I will end by saying that I don’t want men out there to feel discouraged by the lyrics. Remember, don’t observe what women say, but rather pay attention to what they do. Despite the increasingly hostile climate for men in the West, we know that game’s principles still hold, and that the only way to be successful with women is to put yourself out there and risk rejection, even from low quality women like Meghan Trainor.

The bitch shield described in the above song is just another method used by feminists to weed out any potential beta males from their environment, so that the guys who do not feel intimidated by the supposed rejection are left for them to choose from. Make sure that you occupy that group.

Read More: Men Who Cold Approach Women Should Be Proud Of Themselves


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