After Donald Trump was elected the 45th President of the United States, dismayed leftists, professional protesters, and useful idiots alike (many of whom did not even vote) fled to the streets to protest the supposedly unjust election results and the racist, sexist, xenophobe™ who reigned victorious. Hoisting placards, waving posters, shining spotlights, and holding neon signs etched with and radiating “LOVE TRUMPS HATE” became this crestfallen group’s form of “resistance” to an alleged authoritarian.
“Love Trumps Hate” is one of the feel-good slogans passed down from former presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton’s 1.2 billion-dollar failed campaign. The slogan is based on the notion that having the globalist darling in the Oval Office would have continued the era of peace, love and tolerance under the Obama Administration, whereas one with The Donald—as it is now—would produce fear and bigotry.
The separation was clear: Trump represents hate, Clinton love. You hear “Love Trumps Hate” repeated ad nauseam across social media to the point you would think a lie told this frequently would eventually take on some semblance of truth—Goebbels style. Fortunately, as more and more people wake up to the scourge of globalism, recognize and finally reject the propaganda of the political and media establishment, they have started to tune into disingenuous messages like “Love Trumps Hate”.

You’re invited.
Following the establishment narrative that paints all nationalism as “scary” or “bigoted”, you can understand what these protesters in their own twisted world are advocating for when they scribble “Love Trumps Hate” onto their demonstration tool of choice. But for the uninitiated—or the initiated seeking clarification—let us unpack five crucial, inherent flaws with the “Love Trumps Hate” rhetoric, and why it will always lose to “Make America Great Again”.
1. It politicizes feelings
This is “Love Trumps Hate”‘s most obvious flaw. Neither love nor hate necessarily signal good politics, and when you attempt to conflate the two the results can be catastrophic. There are studies that show how using empathy to take government action distorts our reasoning capacity and ability to implement policies or pass laws that benefit the broader public (ex. citizens) over a chosen, protected minority (ex. illegal immigrants).
By politicizing feelings, “Love Trumps Hate” appeals both to emotion and partisanship: it presupposes that Clinton was about love and Trump is about hate, which opens up a vast field for debate on specific policy that few, if any of those protesters will want or be able to have.
2. It’s hypocritical
The irony is that those who chant and tweet “Love Trumps Hate” are not standard-bearers of that first emotion. Was the Women’s March, organized by a pro-sharia law activist, about love? Was the UC Berkeley riot about love? Were the Antifa brats swinging their fists at “Nazis” done in the name of love? Did Snoop Dogg recently shoot a mock Donald Trump in a music video out of pure love? Think not.
For these leftist insurgents, hate boils down to any views that oppose their own. Their version of hate trivializes the real hatred of, say, deceptive state propaganda (“MTV New Years Resolutions For White People”, anyone?). Love, on the other hand, is their excuse to smash windows, set fires, and call for martial law while claiming you are on the right end of the moral spectrum.

For the left, “love” means burning the American flag (the country that gave them the freedom to protest in the first place) in effigy.
3. It’s a straw man
The “Love Trumps Hate” idea is based on a sham argument. This bizarre idea that Trump is a KKK-enabling racist who is conspiring to rollback civil rights is a leftist canard used by the MSM to discredit the surge in nationalism brought on by Trump’s election. Trump’s era of “hate” is manufactured out of constant misinformation about his actual views, done deliberately to mislead the impressionable.
“A Day Without Immigrants” is not the same as deporting illegal aliens who have committed crimes on American soil. Temporarily suspending the travel of foreign nationals from a list of terror-linked, Muslim-majority countries is not “racist”, but a tough first gesture toward securing the nation’s border and deterring the homegrown threat of Radical Islam.
Dropping a federal directive that pressured public schools into letting boys who think they are the opposite gender into girls bathrooms is not a violation of civil rights—it is about handing states back the right to rule in favor of (or not) common-sense biology and respecting roughly 98.5% of children‘s sense of privacy.
“Love Trumps Hate” is a calculated way of undercutting genuine political views on immigration, religious extremism, and social policy. After all, for this slogan to retain any power it has to misrepresent its opposition’s stance, which is the very definition of a classic straw man argument.

Proof Trump is one hateful, homophobic president…
4. It’s based on a gimmick
The best writers understand that when your sentences rely heavily on puns it is often an admission of your writing lacking substance. It shows you are unable to elaborate on a premise; you are only capable of being cute with it. Puns—especially bad puns—look desperate. When Hillary Clinton tried to push “Trump-ed up trickle down economics” in last year’s Presidential Debates, it showed she had no real retort to Trump’s “America First” views on the economy and trade.
Likewise, sandwiching the US President’s surname between two liberal buzzwords shows you are not in this for the truth. You want to virtue-signal. You want to appease your vengeful goddess that is HRC. Of course, when it comes to life and relationships, love does trump hate. But when you capitalize that ‘T’ and rebrand it with a partisan spin, you will always lose in the political arena.

All this photo’s missing is one more play on words.
5. It’s code for open borders
This is key. So key, in fact, it almost negates the previous four points. Ultimately, this slogan is not about love or hate—or Trump. It is a rallying cry for open borders. “Love” signifies the breaking down of boundaries that separate countries, nations, provinces, states, counties, and municipalities governed by their own set of laws. “Hate”, in actuality, signifies the upholding of that sovereignty, implying that it is somehow cruel to prioritize the livelihood of law-abiding, tax-paying citizens living in your land.
Is it any coincidence that the king of open borders—George Soros—funds many of these marches and protests through his partnerships and charitable foundations? Of course not. “Love Trumps Hate” is one more lousy attempt to discredit this wave of nationalism that is spreading across the United States and many European countries.

Pro-open borders billionaire George Soros, who collaborated with Nazis and helped break the British pound in the ’90s, must be all about love, right?
The call for ordinary Trump Supporters and conservatives (or “neo-Nazis”, in the myopic eyes of radical leftists) to open their hearts is really about opening the borders and encouraging the flow of “refugees” and “undocumented immigrants” into your country without careful vetting or rule of law.
Most importantly, when a political protest’s main argument sounds like a Hallmark card (or most of Justin Trudeau’s public speeches), do not buy into it. After all, Hallmark outsources its jobs to China.
Read More: Why You Should Not Have Sex With Girls Who Hate Donald Trump
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