What The Western World Would Look Like If Women Were Never Granted The Right To Vote

What The Western World Would Look Like If Women Were Never Granted The Right To Vote

The following article was sponsored by Pax Masculina.

Fellow ROK fans, tired of every new film having a militant feminist theme? Want to see a universe on video in which men create a paradise on earth with their wise rule, and insolent women causing trouble are given their just reward? My short film (18 minutes) is called Pax Masculina (Latin for Peace of Men) and is an alternate history science fiction movie.

It all started when I posed the question “What would the United States be like today if women had never received the right to vote?” Check out the two minute trailer below. I think you will love the PAX universe.

In Pax Masculina, a theocratic totalitarian regime takes over the United States in 1910. Under this government, women have few rights like in Old Testament or Victorian England culture. The suffragettes were defeated and women never got the vote.

Uninhibited by the influence of women, what follows is a century of peace and prosperity, known as the Pax Masculina. Out of disgruntled suffragettes evolved the Women’s Resistance Movement (WRM) which violently opposes the regime. The movie takes place in 2016 when the WRM has increased aggression in its opposition to the governing patriarchy in their fight for equality of the sexes.

The Women’s Resistance Movement uses assassinations and bombings to create terror and kill without mercy. Seduction and murder of policemen and government officials are common tactics. The government induces its own terror with televised torture and execution of captured women soldiers. The movie’s Facebook site gives more details and many behind-the-scenes photos from the film.

The following photos represent the philosophy of the regime:

What The Western World Would Look Like If Women Were Never Granted The Right To Vote

What The Western World Would Look Like If Women Were Never Granted The Right To Vote

The conflict between the regime and WRM is really a battle for the hearts and minds of young women who might join the WRM. When a girl turns 16, she is eligible to be married. Husbands pay the father a dowry and there is a transfer of property. There is an all-girls high school where harsh teachers use ruler and paddle freely to discipline unruly females.

Girls are forced to watch public hangings of captured WRM soldiers on classroom televisions. In the photographed scene below, one girl jokes around about the threat of hanging beside a victim she has just had to watch.

What The Western World Would Look Like If Women Were Never Granted The Right To Vote

A symbol on the wall of all classrooms remind them of the consequences of having a bad attitude. Gentlemen, how many times have you wanted to tell a woman to “lose the attitude”? In this universe, it is official policy!

What The Western World Would Look Like If Women Were Never Granted The Right To Vote

The beautiful women of the WRM wear steampunk inspired uniforms designed for combat and seduction as they engage in hand-to-hand combat with police. Authorities have better weapons but hesitate to use them since they want to capture these arrogant women alive for public display.

What The Western World Would Look Like If Women Were Never Granted The Right To Vote

What The Western World Would Look Like If Women Were Never Granted The Right To Vote

What The Western World Would Look Like If Women Were Never Granted The Right To Vote

Captured WRM soldiers are hanged publicly with a worldwide TV broadcast of the event as if it was the World Cup or Superbowl. There is no drop and a large diameter rope is used to haul them up into the air so they slowly strangle, preventing permanent damage to necks or windpipes. There is a good possibility that they will be half hanged (let down before dead) to be made a sex-slave to a deserving man. This discourages young women from joining the WRM while entertaining the populace.

As for the status of the film, the cut is finished and being submitted to film festivals. To stay up to date about its release, follow the Facebook page. The world premier of Pax Masculina will be at Comicpalooza in Houston May 12-14. The exact screening time and date will be posted on the aforementioned Facebook page.

I made this film to express my view and to share my artistic vision, not to make money. Eventually it will just be posted on YouTube or Vimeo to be viewed for free. But for now, festival rules prevent that to retain eligibility. My goal is to make a full length feature film which expands the story line of the PAX universe. But that is a year or two away. Now, I just want to share the vision with like-minded individuals such as ROK readers. I hope the trailer whets your appetite andI would love to hear feedback. My best estimate for release of the short film for public viewing is six months.

I admire Roosh more than I can say after having experienced similar harassment by the social justice warriors against me. Maybe he will agree to be a consultant on the feature film? I made this movie with a balanced perspective instead of the expected female empowerment manifesto. But the mere hint that a government which excludes women might be successful has led to an effort to silence my creative voice.

Instead of reasoned debate, some think I shouldn’t be permitted to express my artistic opinion. In addition, I have openly promoted the men’s right movement (posted links to ROK articles for example), and I have dared to say some positive things about President Trump. I have been vilified and my reputation decimated with lies.

Having practiced engineering for over 40 years, I am used to dealing with truth and facts. I have learned that the artistic community is in general close-minded and truth means nothing to them. I am astonished at their ability to lie without hesitation, without guilt, without apology. Some “artists” show a total lack of character and honor. Any deviation from political correctness is not tolerated. That will be the focus of a future post. For now, I plan to continue to make movies that tell the truth and present an alternative viewpoint.

To learn more about the movie and follow its journey to completion, visit Pax Masculina.

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