3 Things I Learned From Dating A Latina For One Year

3 Things I Learned From Dating A Latina For One Year

In keeping with Kyle Trouble’s recent post, this article will look at three key observations I’ve gathered from dating a Latina for over a year. Prior to this relationship, I never seriously dated any Latin American women and only heard secondhand what this breed of dames were like—in and outside the bedroom.

With a year of experience under my belt, I really haven’t looked back to the emotionless, tired, bland and masculinized (feminist translation: strong, independent) pool of women that lurch limply around my city, Toronto, like zombified worker bees. After you go Latina, there is really no need to look back.

As Toronto is virtually ground zero for non-feminine women, I was very fortunate to meet and hook up with a real lady here—one who embraces her femininity, believes in God, and cherishes traditional family values (naturally, she wasn’t raised in Toronto, but El Salvador). While those three qualities of Latinas were discussed in this ROK article, there are some other things I’ve learned from dating a Latina that, like with Mr. Trouble, have modified my overall views of male-female relationships.

1. It’s okay to put her on a pedestal—if she’s earned it

3 Things I Learned From Dating A Latina For One Year

Only if Sofia’s earned it…

Rightfully, red-pill men believe that putting a girl on a pedestal is a bad decision and will eventually lead to her taking advantage of this freebie chivalry. This is certainly true with Western women because, despite their feminist facade, deep-down they know they are not behaving in a way that deserves male courtly love. In a progressive society, all things being equality™, women see themselves as men after given the ability to game the system by manipulating their other half’s chivalrous impulses that have been warped and suppressed by our anti-male culture.

In turn, red-pill men have rejected the pedestal and regard it as a man’s willingness to be exploited by Western women. This essentially boils down to the idea if women don’t act like women, why should we treat them like women? But Latinas do act like women and actually view the pedestal as a very masculine gesture. It shows that you care—that you respect and appreciate their feminine gifts.

However, the pedestal is not to be hoisted up indiscriminately. Latinas are not perfect and can lapse into bad female habits (lateness, attention-seeking behaviour, jealousy traps, annoying shit tests), at which point you drop the pedestal immediately and hold frame. Latinas are very intuitive creatures and will detect your display of discipline and self-respect. Once she realizes your pedestal is conditional, this will only strengthen the relationship and ensure you both cherish each other according to your own masculine/feminine principles.


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2. They reject feminism, value motherhood

3 Things I Learned From Dating A Latina For One Year

Motherhood first is the Latina mantra.

Let’s put it this way: there have been times when I, a writer at Return of Kings, have to cool down my Latina girlfriend after she powers through an anti-feminist rant. She endorses my standing at ROK and I constantly catch her reading articles on the site and snickering in response by saying “this is sooooo true.” Regularly, she comes home from her job, slams down her bags, and bickers, “I honestly don’t know how men survive here.” (The answer: they don’t, they just leave).

After my Latina girlfriend took up her 9-5 corporate gig, she now comes home, crashes to the bed with exhaustion, and admits that this job makes her want to become a mother even more. She sees all the sour women around her, riddled with penis envy and bitchy attitudes, and fears the prospect of becoming “that”. She rues the degenerateness of a gender neutral-equal society where non-traditional lifestyles are celebrated over nuclear families.

Further, when I audited one of Jordan Peterson’s lectures, she insisted on attending with me. When we heard the University of Toronto professor explain in-person what women can do about receiving better pay, she went out and bought a book on how to become a better negotiator.

The rare thing about Latinas is they are sort of, almost a little… accountable. While wild in the sack, they are not promiscuous if held in check by a strong, protective man. They are truly independent, as they value themselves but also understand the role of a man in their life and admit that there are times when they want and need a man—her novio.

3. They have a healthy “daddy complex”

3 Things I Learned From Dating A Latina For One Year

Latinas tend to have strong, alpha, masculine fathers — which informs their expectations of men.

It’s true that all women view men as a reflection of their father (or lack of one). A weak or absent father generally produces a woman with poor expectations of men. A strong or involved father generally produces a woman with high expectations of men. For the latter, she dates up the dominance hierarchy and expects her man to treat her with the same level of reverence and love given by papi.

In turn, you are expected to fulfill your role as the alpha male, be a provider, and make decisions on your and her behalf. You must lead unapologetically. Latinas love men who stand by what they say, even if that stance enrages them. With a Latina: YOU MUST ALWAYS HOLD FRAME. They can be firecrackers—real vixens—but that passion is just them testing their man’s boundaries—to see if he can take them and if he really cares about the relationship.

Since Latinas tend to hold their fathers in very high regard, they hold their men to that same standard. In turn, you will find you grow as a man because you constantly have to stay sharp, firm, and honorable if you want to keep her. In return, you will have her committed loyalty.

Dating a Latina is built on a productive exchange of your most masculine virtues in return for hers. It is a rewards-based arrangement that brings out the best in your manhood—because that is what the relationship demands of you for it to last. While there are always exceptions to the rule, there is a good reason why Latinas are in such high demand in Toronto for men. They are part of a dying breed of strong, genuinely feminine group of women.

Read More: 3 Things I’ve Learned From Dating A Ukrainian Girl For One Year


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