The Documentary “Hot Girls Wanted” Shows The Destructiveness Of Porn

The Documentary “Hot Girls Wanted” Shows The Destructiveness Of Porn

I recently watched Hot Girls Wanted, a documentary about how easily girls are recruited into porn, mostly from the Midwestern parts of the United States. The fact that there is now so little stigma for girls to get banged on camera for money shows how broken American culture has become.

The documentary focuses on a male recruiter based in Miami who puts up ads for “erotic models” on Craigslist. A complimentary air ticket, the promise of fun and fame, and a few hundred dollars per sex scene is all it takes for girls to sign up, usually when they are right out of high school and at a crossroads of what to do with their lives. The film intended to show how difficult life is for these girls, but instead it shows how incredibly entitled and spoiled they are.

The Documentary “Hot Girls Wanted” Shows The Destructiveness Of Porn

Many of the girls come from middle class families, with no obvious signs of abuse or dysfunction. So why go into porn? They want to party, they don’t want to work a real job, they want to be adored by fans, and most commonly, they want “freedom,” because having the opportunity to go to university and work hard for their bread is simply too constricting or boring, and even worse is becoming a housewife, a “slave.” The girls who enter porn are not facing a do-or-die situation where they have to do porn to eat—they’re doing it because they want money and the easy life of opening their legs and laying there. In one case, I get the impression the girl entered porn just because she always wanted to visit Miami.

In terms of the sexual market place, these girls are subconsciously maximizing the value of their vaginas, especially when considering that on average, they are no higher than a hard 6 (without excessive makeup). In a Midwestern town, the best a 6 can do is get pumped and dumped by a handful of bad boys before having to settle down with a normal man and take care of the family home, but that simply isn’t enough for a girl who was taught to believe that she’s capable of anything. The alternative is for her to live in Miami, have thousands of followers online, and become used as sex meat.

The Documentary “Hot Girls Wanted” Shows The Destructiveness Of Porn

With no constraints on female behavior and choice, it’s not hard to see why there is an endless line of cute girls choosing the “magic bullet” of porn instead of working on their wife skills to satisfy a man who doesn’t look like Ryan Gosling. The main flaw in their strategy is that they don’t do the research beforehand: most girls who enter porn wash out within a year after spending all their earnings, thanks in part to unexpected expenses like medical care where infected cysts and boils grow on their labia. Let’s just say that they don’t go into the endeavor with a business plan, and the documentary shows how idealistic they are with yells of “Whooo… I’m so glad I’m here to party away from my parents!!”

The parents of one of the girls were especially heartbroken. Their daughter was given every opportunity to have a good life, but unfortunately they did not understand female nature and how it demands boundaries and control from a strong male figure. The father, even when he knew his daughter was doing porn, said that he supported her in whatever she did because he loved her. He was raised in an era where people did the right thing, and only “love” was needed, but those days are gone.

In an age where the social constructs have melted away, we see how he failed to keep his daughter from appearing in bondage porn that roughly simulated her rape spliced in between interviews of her colleagues crying while recounting their “facial abuse” scenes. Within every girl is a seed of self-destruction, and unless that is restrained, either by a male in her tribe or by societal forces, she will destroy herself, while tens of thousands of men can wank to it.

The Documentary “Hot Girls Wanted” Shows The Destructiveness Of Porn

A part of my heart wanted to be sympathetic towards the girls, since we can’t expect the lesser sex to make prudent decisions, but on the other hand, their reasoning for getting into porn is so idiotic, the failure of their parents so great, and the feminist beliefs of everyone involved have been so debunked, that I don’t have any sympathy to spare. I actually laughed when the girls complained that the male owners of porn studios they shoot for, who are almost entirely Jewish, are making “like so much money.” No matter how empowered they think they are, this is still a man’s world, and the only reason they were given “empowerment” is so they can be legally prostituted by the pimp producers or enslaved in a rat race to earn corporate owners trillions of dollars in wages thanks to a massive increase in the work force supply that feminism allowed.

Welcome to America, where a small group of rich men vacuum fertile girls from middle America to monetize their pussies, and where parents, cuckold boyfriends, and society as a whole cheer along as it happens. What kind of country do we have where this has become so normalized? A country that is on the decline, that deserves to be ravaged because of the decadence it eagerly accepts.

This article was originally published on Roosh V.

Read More: How To Quit Your Porn Addiction And Improve Your Game At The Same Time


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