The Endgame Of Multiculturalism Is Race Segregation

The Endgame Of Multiculturalism Is Race Segregation

As multiculturalism continues to fail in Europe, we must begin to understand the inevitable outcome of “pluralistic” societies, and how and why this inevitable outcome has occurred in many parts of the European Union and North America.

While there are geographic, demographic, and socio-political differences between North America and Europe that must be put into context, the end result of both continent’s multicultural experiment is interestingly similar: the many cultures this system purports to cohere are unable to coexist and ultimately seek to become or end up separate from each other—agitated and unintegrated—lacking a communal whole.

As of late, what distinguishes the multicultural makeup of North America and Europe is the way they have been impacted by the recent migration crisis. While North America to its east has the vast Atlantic Ocean as a buffer to mass migration, Europe to its south has the Mediterranean Sea—only 2 percent of the former’s size—which serves more as a pathway.

The Endgame Of Multiculturalism Is Race Segregation

You have a better chance finding Waldo than women or children here.

This reason, along with the EU’s lax open border policy, has allowed economic migrants and “refugees” to pour into Europe en masse, even illegally via NGO-related smuggler boats. Countries like Sweden, German, Spain, and Italy are taking in hundreds of thousands of refugees on the taxpayer dime at a rate that exceeds the nation’s ability to integrate them.

These migrants—primarily Muslim military-aged men—are lumped into small towns and municipalities, which then become little enclaves reinforcing their own way of life. Some of these religions and cultures, like Islam, hold values not compatible with the nation’s, thus creating friction within these communities. Crime spikes, educational opportunities decline, and these areas get designated “no-go zones”, where law enforcement and the native population are afraid to enter and Sharia Law becomes the de facto law of the land.

New arrivals are not spread evenly throughout the countries, but concentrated in middle and working class neighbourhoods. They live outside of wealthy enclaves, city centres, and government establishments, where their large numbers and higher birth rates create a noticeable demographic shift. No longer able to recognize their communities, most of the original inhabitants get fed up and leave, creating a vacuum of isolated, unassimilated foreigners in—what’s to them—a foreign land.

The Endgame Of Multiculturalism Is Race Segregation

Feeling the enrichment?

At the top rung of society, however, elite politicians and virtue-signalling celebrities living very comfortable lifestyles in their gated, homogenous communities lecture the unwashed masses on “tolerance” and “diversity” (no, Trudeau, diversity is not a “strength”). They sing sweet songs about “open society” without walking through these broken neighbourhoods to witness their self-proclaimed “cultural enrichment” in action.

These aristocrats project their facile idealistic view of multiculturalism in UN speeches, over social media, and catered press junkets at a safe distance from the harsh reality. To preserve their multicultural narrative, they blame any perceived failures of the system, such as terrorist attacks, on any sort of “bigotry” towards a protected minority group.

This leads to more polarization—a group of conflicting political identities get created, not to find mutual solutions to their society’s woes, but to solely shut down the others in some fruitless, circular ideological war about tolerance vs. intolerance. 

In particular, three types of politicized, disparate identities are formed: one, dissenters (of all colours and creeds) who quietly or vocally criticize and reject the effects of multiculturalism; two, “minority” groups that use victimhood and their minority status to leverage the courts and liberal governments; and three, people from the majority population who blame all domestic unrest on their own society.

The Endgame Of Multiculturalism Is Race Segregation

22 dead in Manchester… all because of our intolerance.

Multiculturalism in North America has created this same sort of fracturing. Similarly first, unassimilated immigrants are distributed on the fringes of urban centres in their own cultural microcosm. Here they are uncompelled to integrate into the national culture and instead participate in a “culture of consumerism”, which provides little incentive to actively engage with the public. 

However, the key difference of how multiculturalism functions in these parts of the world is this: while European societies have disintegrated from mass Muslim migration, multiculturalism in North America—not influenced to the same degree by this crisis—is disintegrating due to identity politics. Here, “oppressed” minority groups do their damnedest to remain separate from the oppressive, “privileged” ones.

Social justice factions like Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ, Antifa, and the Women’s March push for inclusion by the larger society, while at the same time participate in the same type of exclusion they rally against. Now, you have blacks-only graduation ceremonies; police-free Pride events; feminist marches that shut out pro-lifers; Muslim-only safe spaces and all these forms of social and ideological segregation cropping up… yet these same groups want the genders—and those “identifying” as the opposite gender—in one space urinating next to each other. What?

The Endgame Of Multiculturalism Is Race Segregation

We’re so spoiled in North America we are segregating ourselves before the migrants can.

Currently, North America has the luxury of no longer being a place where segregation is legislated or the refugee crisis has (yet) compromised its national culture. In a depraved act of wanting what you don’t have, many of its inhabitants are—by their own volition— segregating themselves out of spite. In response to the failures of multiculturalism, they are willingly beta-testing this type of social dislocation that’s been taken to its extreme (and logical end?) in many parts of Europe due to failed integration.

The question remains: does the West have a suicidal death wish or is this just where multiculturalism leads us? Perhaps it is both.

Multiculturalism is the fanciful, highly politicized notion of bringing all cultures into one living space. But its unintended effect produces, in fact, the opposite: a weak and divided social fabric fraught with competitive, incompatible groups that prefer to be left separate—and, ultimately, controlled.

Read More: The Truth About Multiculturalism And Third-World Immigration


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