How Toxic Femininity Turned Men Into Tranny Chasers

How Toxic Femininity Turned Men Into Tranny Chasers

Perhaps the greatest lie of the 21st century is that men need women more than women need men. We’ve all heard the tired and trite musings a million times by now. “Women wouldn’t start wars, men can’t create life so all they know how to do is destroy it, the world we be a much better place if women ruled everything,” so on and so forth.

Of course, this overlooks all of the historical atrocities committed under matriarchal governments—indeed, queendoms throughout history have been 27 percent likelier to invade or attack rival nations than male-led regimes—or that roughly 70 percent of all filicides are committed by mothers, or the downright bamboozling Freakonomics factoid that nations with female heads of government tend to have remarkably higher reported rape statistics than their neighboring, male-led countries.

But the one “reason” that’s probably been the most commonly cited as to why women, hypothetically, are more important to men than vice versa involves procreation. Women, after all, have the wombs and the ova, and without those, humanity couldn’t continue. Naturally, this logic becomes a chicken and an egg larf, since those wombs and ova are pretty much useless without sperm, and it isn’t long before we tumble into a pointless tautological argument.

But where things get really screwy is in the long-held and long-propagated thesis that men can be controlled by women simply by denying them sex. The idea that men are so beholden to the vagina that their every action can be manipulated through their (heterosexual) desires isn’t a newfound, post-Hippie trope – it goes as far back as 400 B.C. Greece, as evident by the Aristophanes play Lysistrata (which, for those of you who aren’t too keen on the antiquities, is about a bunch of women stopping a war by refusing to go to bed with their husbands until they stop fighting.)

The particularly crass and crude rapper Brooke Candy reiterated the age-old assumption in the quite blasphemous music video for her 2013 song “Pussy Makes the Rules,” which includes the rather telling refrain “bitches know we got the power in the pussy, cause you major pain and turn your brain into a Slushy.”

It’s hard to not see a dark streak of toxic femininity in such lyrics. There’s nothing innocuous about extolling the virtues of an ideologically weaponized vagina, nor is there anything innocent about encouraging listeners to turn their sex organs into methods of controlling, manipulating and domineering over other people.

In tandem with the ghastly social influence of third wave feminism—a philosophy that more or less posits men as inferior, with the goal of legally and culturally denigrating those with gonads to second class citizens—perhaps it shouldn’t be surprising that a large number of technically heterosexual males would eventually abandon pursuing women altogether and instead pursue the embrace of males pretending to be female.

How Toxic Femininity Turned Men Into Tranny Chasers

Of course it’s a female. It has to be if it’s wearing hoop earrings!

The chicks-with-dicks complex

It doesn’t take much Googling to find online community after online community of “straight” men who have come to fetishize drag queens, crossdressers, fembois, male-to-female transsexuals, t-girls, shemales and—perhaps most notably—traps (that being, men who dress as women who don’t tell their partners their real gender, oftentimes with the hopes of “converting” their boyfriends into full-time homosexuality) as alternatives to the traditional female sexual worship object.

The en vogue term is femmephilic polysexuality, which basically means a sexual attraction to anybody with traditionally female characteristics, regardless if they have a vagina. This part, I believe, actually makes a tremendous amount of sense.

There’s no way around it – women today are nowhere near as attractive as they were 20 years ago. The Great Big Lie of third wave feminism, complete with all its body-positivity mumbo-jumbo, has convinced women that it’s okay to be morbidly obese, dyke-ish, adverse to even basic forms of hygiene and walk around with full blown mustaches, and that men will just have to change their own preconceived notions of beauty and roll with it. After all, women do have the vaginas, don’t they, and men will do anything to spill their precious seed inside them, even if it means bumping uglies with a 400-pound, smelly, tatted up Skankasaurus, right?

If anything, the rise of the femboi/trap subculture is a direct reactionary statement to the defeminization of the American woman. There’s no denying it: a transsexual porn star like Sarina Valentina is unquestionably more attractive than a “real feminist” like Andrea Dworkin, while cam-tranny jerk-off queen Paige James is inarguably prettier than such loud and proud biological celebrity females as Lena Dunham and Leslie Jones.

They have all the traditional hallmarks of feminine beauty (including the breasts, however artificial they may be), they’re almost always thinner and cleaner than the aggregate feminist, and they generally don’t engage in the heavy-handed, virulently misandrist identity politics of “real” women. In fact, the only major difference is, well, they’ve got two sets of balls and a cock to go with them … and there’s a pretty strong chance it’s longer than yours, too.

How Toxic Femininity Turned Men Into Tranny Chasers

Remember: if you don’t think this is “hot,” you’ve committed a hate crime.

How female liberation created shemale fetishization

I don’t know the technicalities here, and I’m not even going to pretend I do, either. I guess any sort of voluntary penis-on-penis contact is inherently gay, and no matter how many hormone injections a shemale gets, they’re always going to have a Y chromosome and the enzymes inside them for producing sperm. There are entire forums out there dedicated to “straight” guys getting deflowered by traps, which would seem to suggest a pretty strong sense of preexisting homosexual tendencies.

But by that same token, it looks like there are a lot of dudes out there who a) don’t find “real” men attractive and b) would never engage in gay activities with another dude who do want to get it on with trannies, so maybe calling it a strictly gay phenomenon isn’t quite the right label.

Regardless, this concrete fact remains: a ton of dudes out there don’t want to have sex with women, but they do want to have sex with men dressed up like women.

This is an amazing social phenomenon that I suppose can’t be explained except in terms of toxic femininity. What else would drive a man who is sexually attracted to the female form into the arms, crotch and buttocks of another man with synthetic tits, a wig, and $200 worth of makeup on his face? What other explanation would suffice for why men would demand their lovers have all the classical characteristics of a woman except their baby-making (and, if cultural high priestesses like Brooke Candy are to be believed, man-entrapping) genitalia?

Just how hideous do women have to get—physically and behaviorally—for men to say no thanks to pussy in favor of a good old fashioned rectal hammering? How can you even begin to comprehend how such fringe fetishist subcultures even came to exist without first acknowledging that women did something very, very wrong in the first place?

How Toxic Femininity Turned Men Into Tranny Chasers

Thanks a lot, feminism. Thanks a whole *damn* lot.

Pussy ain’t what it used to be

Think, for a minute, just how noxious your behavior has to be for men, en masse, to reject the most innate of human drives – the desire to procreate. Alas, taking a glance at the 400-pound, man-hating Tumblrinas and armada of liberal arts majors dressing up like vaginas to protest the alleged patriarchy out there, perhaps this startling counter-evolutionary behavior makes at least some sense.

If hardline feminists really do seek to transform their vaginas into weapons of ideological warfare, perhaps this “heterosexual” tranny-chasing phenomenon is a wholly predictable response – men opting for the lesser of two degeneracies, if you will. Alas, as perverse as this tranny-fetishization may be, it’s nonetheless a stern reminder that even when it comes to matters of genital pleasure, women don’t dominate the marketplace as much as they think they do.

When it comes to sexual pleasure, men can make do with the occasional escort service and the inevitable wave of hyper-realistic sex-bots, and where reproduction is concerned, high-tech Petri dishes are likely a few decades away from making women totally unnecessary. Women, conversely, will never be able to live without men’s incalculable contributions to society – the cars engineered by men, the highways built by men, the power plants overseen by men, the technology infrastructure created by men, etc.

And as deplorable and decadent as it may be, the shemale question proves that pussy is no longer the great cultural trump card women have over the male species. Then again, feminists only have themselves to blame for their own obsolescence: if sex is literally all you have to offer, wasn’t it just a matter of time until men found a way to get it cheaper, easier and without all of the tribal-politics nonsense?

Read More: You Go-Girl-Ism Is More Toxic Than Feminism


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