Today’s Conservative Has Become Yesterday’s Liberal

Today’s Conservative Has Become Yesterday’s Liberal

With Donald Trump as president of the United States, it would seem as though traditional beliefs are making a comeback in the West. However, one only needs talk to the average ‘’conservative’’ for a while to realize they’re not as conservative as they think they are. Rather, they’ve accepted and integrated many leftist beliefs into their own worldview. They’ve become nothing more than yesterday’s liberals, and now defend ideas against which their predecessors used to fight. Let’s briefly look at a few examples:


Today’s Conservative Has Become Yesterday’s Liberal

He’s cool with them

The very idea of homosexuality used to be socially abhorrent during the early 20th century in the West. If you look at conservative politicians now, however, you’ll find they’re pretty okay with having gays around. We’ve reached a point where modern Western culture has become universally acceptant of homosexuals.

Donald Trump, for instance, ensured he’d do everything in his power to protect LGBTQ citizens from hateful ideologies (might have earned him more voters, but you get the point). Even allowing gays to get married is accepted among conservatives nowadays, and suggesting that it might be a bad idea gets you funny looks at best.

Women in the workplace

Today’s Conservative Has Become Yesterday’s Liberal

Encouraging women to study and pursue long term careers damages the family structure by discouraging traditional gender roles. If women are busy working, they can’t focus on being good wives and mothers. Not only that, but it may even cause them to forgo marriage and kids completely.

Despite this, you’ll find almost no one on the mainstream right suggesting women should focus on the home. They believe that doing so would ‘’invite misogyny and sexism’’ or get them compared to ‘’crazy far righters’’. Denial of biological truths does society no favors. The longer the average citizen believes men and women to have the same roles in a family, the more damage will be done.

Sexual marketplace

Today’s Conservative Has Become Yesterday’s Liberal

Regulation of the sexual marketplace in the form of marriage and female chastity has long been central to the formation of healthy families in western societies. Without a strong and stable family unit, maintaining civilization becomes impossible. Since promiscuity is the opposite of chastity and monogamy, it naturally runs against family stability.

Characters like James Bond are looked up to as symbols of masculinity and role models for traditional men. While men should aspire to emulate his strong nature and character, emulating his love of casual sex is damaging to society in the long run. Sure, quick and easy sex can be real fun, but let’s not forget sexual liberation is inherently leftist and has done nothing but damage civilization.

Denying the importance of race

Today’s Conservative Has Become Yesterday’s Liberal

Often seen as the most taboo of subjects, race gets ignored as much as possible by the mainstream right wing. Science tells us that human ethnic groups have genetic differences, ranging from physical strength to IQ levels. But to even speak about those differences in public is to invite an endless parade of comparisons to Hitler, so conservatives dodge the issue.

Instead, they often preach about civic nationalism, the idea of a nation being more based on its identity than it’s ethnicity. They say that as long as immigrants accept American values of Democracy and hard work, their ethnicity doesn’t matter. Sounds nice in theory, but a nation can’t survive once it’s demographic has been replaced.

You can’t win by defending alone

Conservatives nowadays don’t seem to know what it is they’re conserving. Their claims of standing for a traditional society feel empty when they also advocate for gender and marriage equality. As the culture war against leftists progressed, they slowly lost ground on almost every front. And as their image became demonized by the media, they conceded even further to try and appeal a bit more to the masses. After all, if the general public is okay with two men marrying, it’d make them the bad guys to say there’s something wrong with that.

Fear of being stigmatized makes them unable to push back, so they inevitably become weaker as time goes on. Even worse, the children of conservatives who were born into a watered down version of it don’t even realize it. A cycle forms then, in which the next generation is always more liberal than the next.

Mainstream Conservatives cannot reverse civilization’s decay, only delay it. Movements like Neo-Masculinity, the Alt Right and Alt Christianity lack the presence and member count of Conservatives, but are all better alternatives. Unlike the mainstream right, the dissident right isn’t afraid to push back against leftist narrative. One cannot win by defending alone. No matter how strong a castle’s walls, the stones that form it will crumble if it’s attackers aren’t stopped.

Conservatives are already thinking in the right direction, but haven’t fully taken the red pill. If the West is to survive, it’s imperative that we help these people fully wake up. They’re halfway there already, so hopefully they just need a few more nudges. 

Read More: Are You A Traditional Conservative But Don’t Realize It? 


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