A most impressive trail of wreckage in her wake.

Vox Day has a post up this morning about a female CEO who suffered from a problem with no name and ended up wiping out both her own savings and $640k of investor capital.  But don’t worry, she isn’t taking it too hard.  From her letter/blog post Dear Investors, My Company Failed and We Lost All Your Money. Here’s What Happened:

Am I upset that I lost my investors’ money? Only in the sense that many of our investors were my friends and I didn’t want to disappoint them. But the me coming out from this hurricane of chaos is a much stronger me, able to acknowledge the mistakes I’ve made, able to open up and be emotionally raw with my friends and my team–qualities that every great leader must possess.

As a person, I am worlds apart from the one who raised money back in 2012. I was not confident in myself back then. I had a gritty edge. I was scared.

Fortunately the bulk of the trail of wreckage is purely financial.  No doubt much of this money represented the hopes and dreams of real life people, but at least no children will need to take a trip through the divorce meat grinder as a result of this woman’s need to focus on herself.

See Vox’s post Bulletproof Self Regard for a link to the original post/letter and his analysis of it.


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