A New Kind Of Propaganda For The Culture War

A New Kind Of Propaganda For The Culture War

From Russia, with love:


This has gone viral recently, and its easy to see why. It is refreshingly novel.

If it is propaganda, then it is a new kind of propaganda. One that appeals to a different set of emotional cues.

Here’s the original opener. Pay attention: “Yes I am an occupant. And I am tired of apologizing for it. I am an occupant by birthright, an aggressor and a bloodthirsty monster. Be afraid.”

Its a powerful template. And one that we can use. Just replace “occupant” with the most derided, ridiculed and marginalized identity group in contemporary Western civilization.

Down with apologia. Enough simpering and hand-cringing. Repeat after me. “Yes, I am straight, white male. And I am tired of apologizing for it. I am a straight, white male by birthright, an aggressor and a bloodthirsty monster. Be afraid.”

If civilizations could be ranked on their alpha and beta qualities, Russia would take the gold medal this week, and as far as I’m concerned, the past two ears years as well. France comes in close second this week, with a video by Elektre (a young french women with Generation Identitaire sympathies), showing us what AgitProp looks like in action with her Lutheresque nailing of proudly xenophobic propaganda to the granite door of the local Cathedral-sponsored public service message.

She does it all while being cussed out by an African migrant who appears to be on a date with a native French women. Not only did this woman modify some state-sponsored public art à la Billboard Liberation Front, but she also succeeded in rustling an ambassador of multiculturalism and most likely ruining his date. Truly, a cock block that would make Le Pen proud, and the cherry on top of this twofer.


France loses points however, because some former porn actress mademoiselle with a pixie cut had to step up where French men were lacking.

Also, the background to the video, namely the story of a communist mayor commissioning the mural with the words, “French women for African men” emblazoned on it also leaves one with a strong desire to projectile vomit all over the nearest tricolor one can get one’s hands on. Still, BUGs makes a cameo appearance. Look closely and you can make out the words, “anti-racism is code for anti-white” on the mural. Nice touch. Keep up the good work, BUGs.

This leaves us with the question, what about us? Yes, us, here in the United States. What have we done this week, collectively as a nation, to establish our Alpha credentials on the world arena?

The Father’s Day message from Angel Soft comes to mind.


You know, the one with the flaming fairy in a purple cardigan telling us about how to properly break every finger in your hand when throwing a punch (thanks, mom!) and the infuriatingly obvious mulicult token minority babbling in Mexican about her wonderful single mother.

Then there was the former Olympian Gold Medal winner who squeezed himself into a white one-piece for Vanity Fair. Check out this happy merchant famous photographer, Annie Leibowitz, eagerly facilitating this assault on Western masculinity with unabashed, hand-rubbing glee.

A New Kind Of Propaganda For The Culture War

I keep wondering when our “Generation Identitaire” movement will start. When will American men start organizing en masse to take back what remains of the society? I see hopeful glimmers, couched in the idea of Neomasculinity, but from all indications, America is lagging behind. Europe is already experiencing the birth of a new right, and it is growing among the youth, underground and unseen until it flashes out, gloriously and unexpectedly, in the form of viral Youtube videos.

I believe it can start with us. With the red pill community.

Start somewhere. If you can, create original content that inspires and informs. Remember that we are in an information war, a propaganda war for the soul of European civilization. The good people of /pol/ and other online communities have been working tirelessly to weaponize memes (heh) and put them at your disposal. Use them. Spread the word. Do your part and start red pilling as best you can.

Take care of your anonymity as well, its the only thing keeping you safe from the next witch hunt by the SJW samizdat.

The next time you see something on your local college campus promoting cultural marxism, do something about it too. See a feminist poster advertising dating advice for men with something along the lines of, “Men, always remember to ask for consent, otherwise it’s rape?” Strike a blow for true social justice and feel your testicles swell with pride as you scrawl  “Alpha Fux, Beta Bux” right across it.

How about a “Communism Kills” in red spray paint over the next, “Down with the Patriarchy” banner you see?

A New Kind Of Propaganda For The Culture War

AgitProp Done The Right Way

I’ll be the first to say it—start getting the message out by trolling the way to salvation. Use the enemy’s tactics against them.

Read More: Ever Wonder What Kind Of Man Becomes A Russian Alpha?


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