“Act as if every day were your last” we’re told. Pretend it’s true, the thinking goes, and you’ll have a more thrilling life. In the same vein, here’s another aphorism to boost your game: “Every girl is a slut.”
It’s a truism among players, and it’s one I struggled with. Yet girls aren’t all the same – some will have sex with you at a moment’s notice, and others will tell you they’re saving it for marriage. To someone with an empirical bent, to someone who likes to understand the world as it is, you might struggle with such an absolute statement – it’s so vague it’s not even true or false per se.
Properly understood however, “every girl is a slut” is valuable because it makes your game better. It’s a tactical assumption, something that you assume to be true to improve your strategy, even if you think it will be false most of the time. For instance, if you were getting into a fight, you might assume that your opponent had a knife on him. There might only be a 20% chance that he carries a knife, but if you adopt a fighting style that’s vulnerable to an opponent with a knife, you’d be 100% fucked if he whipped one out. While the assumption will constrain your behavior, it will be a great boon to your continued success over time.
Over the past month, I slept with several new girls – girls I saw once or twice. That was it – I doubt I’ll ever get to sleep with any of them again. We had met for a date in each case, and then proceeded to have sex on the first date, or in one case, a second date. When I tried to push it beyond a second date, only a couple were interested. Angry women on the internet tell me I have a tiny penis, so maybe that was it.
One girl claimed she ‘could not commit to anything right now’ when I never claimed to want anything more than sex. Another girl was casually dating another man, and chose to stick with him. One worked too much and lived with her parents to make it a regular deal. One was interested in something more serious, but I wasn’t. One said we were going different ways. These girls were like cold beads of water coursing through my fingers – refreshing, but I’d be a fool to try and hold on to them. Better to enjoy them for the brief moment I have them laid away in my lair.
American girls are so slutty nowadays that a consistent fuck buddy is too much commitment for them. From recent personal experience…
— Emmanuel Goldstein (@Goldsteineum) November 19, 2013
Even if a girl likes you, there’s no guarantee that she will see you again. Maybe she’ll end up fucking some guy on her next night out. Or her workload doubles and decides she doesn’t have time for any ‘commitments’ right now. It sounds like she is only temporarily rejecting you – after all, you had a good time together. From experience though, know you will never see her again. In the mind of a woman, sex should be effortless – if she has to overcome what she calls ‘fate,’ aka that loss of momentum and time apart, her pussy will dry up and she will lazily opt out. Especially if she’s a slut.
As a man, dating is an investment whose minimum return is sex. Other things matter, but they’re meaningless without sex – and then you’re just platonic friends. Some ‘investments’ won’t pan out – you go on a date or two with the girl yet you never fuck. And others, you’ll have sex with nothing more than a round of beers and a floor mattress. By pushing for sex early and often, your returns come in quicker, and you invest less on girls that never pan out.
When you act as if every girl is a slut, she may assume you ‘do this with every girl.’ While that sounds counter-productive, in her mind she ‘won’t be a slut’ for sleeping with you, because so many girls have done so before her. Sheep see safety in the herd.
You will take every step to maximize the likelihood of having sex quickly. You toss out all those dating conventions – all that matters is if they help you get laid or not. Maybe you even like the girl – no matter.
Always structure dates so that you can get laid. Set the date near her house or yours, preferably yours – girls can be skittish about letting you in to their house on a first date. Do not meet in the middle.
Assume she’s already fucking other men. No attractive girl is ever truly single or alone. There are always men just a text away, and sometimes less. When you assume that she is already fucking other men, or is about to, you realize time is of the essence – as the tacky infomercials go, “You must act now!” Dawdle, and you’ll end up in the friend zone or as a dead phone number. When a girl is sleeping with someone, she becomes markedly less attentive to other men.
This dynamic is even obvious among female coworkers – when girls are openly distant in greeting me, I know it’s because she’s already fucking someone and she feels little need to talk up other eligible men. Even though she’d never consider fucking me anyway, her steady dose of dick imbues her everyday behavior and makes her distant with other men. If a girl is already sleeping with someone, you’ll have to leverage all of your pull on her to get anywhere. Even if this assumption were false, the end result is you get sex or rejection quicker – more return or less investment, a win in either case.
If she’s being flaky, she’s already fucking someone. Women crave sex. Once they start having it, they will not want to go without it for long. If she isn’t getting it from a boyfriend, she’s getting it from someone else, even as she’s going on dates with you.
Be wary of poisoning the pot. Be aware that you could turn her off if you’re too aggressive. If you proceed carefully enough, this shouldn’t be an issue. Even so, you have to ask yourself if this girl is so special that you’d be willing to put in time to get with her – if you can’t say yes to that, her rejection is a blessing – she’s keeping you from wasting more of your time and money in a failed prospect. Even so-called nice girls, who are not sluts, can be very forgiving of an aggressive man, provided you show some enduring interest in her as a person. They secretly respect men who pursue boldly. Proceed more carefully in sensitive situations, like with coworkers or girls in your social circle, until you’re sure she likes you.
You may want more than sex. But with a woman who’s got several sexual partners in her past, and dozens of suitors lining up in the present, you’re not remotely in her reality until you fuck her. She will not think twice about never talking to you again until you’ve had sex, and maybe not even then. We live in a Slut Culture where sex means nothing, an amicable date even less. Every time you see a woman, you cannot be certain you will see her again… imagine every night with her is your last.
Fortune favors the bold.
Read More: 24 Signs She’s A Slut
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