Advanced spinster mathematics

Badger has an outstanding post up today titled Spinster Math where he suggests we could be witnessing a very important change regarding involuntarily unmarried women in the US.  I’m not going to quote anything from it;  you have to go there to read it.  All I’ll add are some graphics.  The first is the chart I created for Supply and demand in the marriage market:

Advanced spinster mathematicsThe second is an artists rendering I was able to obtain of an aging feminist spinster for my post New battle cry of the aging feminist:

Advanced spinster mathematics

I created the chart age_of_marriage.jpg using data from the US Census.  The original dinosaur image comes from Julie Patricia, who released it into the public domain.  I hereby license both the chart and the modified dinosaur image (over30feminist1.jpg) as Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported.


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