Aging lonely feminist humor.

AutoZone is running a commercial titled Fix Finder advising their customers that AutoZone thinks they are idiots:

This is a strange message for a DIY store, because much of the payoff for fixing things yourself is the feeling of mastery that comes with it.  So why would AutoZone spend a large sum of money telling their ostensible target audience you’d have to be an idiot to shop there?  Why would AutoZone go to so much trouble to associate going to their store with looking like a fool?

In the DFW area AutoZone is one of the big two parts stores.  However, I very seldom go there, because in my experience the cranky middle aged woman in the commercial would have been better cast in the role of the AutoZone employee than the bitter wife of the loser who shops at AutoZone.  The only thing I did tend go to AutoZone for was car batteries. I’ve had decent luck with their batteries and like the fact that the warranty isn’t pro rated.  This isn’t something I had given much thought to, it had simply become a habit.  If I needed a battery, I went to AutoZone.  If I needed anything else, I went to O’Reilly.

However, a few days after I saw this commercial the battery on the car my wife drives went out.  After I pulled it out I decided to check out the batteries at O’Reilly first.  It turns out they don’t pro rate their warranty either, so I bought the replacement battery there.  As luck would have it later that same day I found that the power steering pump on my truck was leaking, and when I took the serpentine belt off to get a better look I found that the belt tensioner was shot too.  Those last two items don’t represent lost share of wallet for AutoZone, because I would have gone to O’Reilly for them anyway.  However they do show that I (with my 20 year old truck) am in the target market.

But AutoZone both by their hiring practices and their advertisements seems to eschewing the DIY car repair market (almost exclusively men), and trying to make their business on a new market.  The comments on the commercial at Youtube offer a hint at who that new market might be.  Denise Robb responded:

This is exciting. My check engine light comes on all the time and this will save me running to a mechanic and potentially getting charged for things I don’t need. Thanks.

Kylie D responded:

I actually used this. As a single woman it was so nice to know what was wrong when my ‘check engine light’ came on, before going to a mechanic! Gave me more confidence. Then I spent time in the store getting other things I needed and could take care of myself 😀 Awesome service, had no idea!

Interestingly, both women’s profile images resemble the cranky middle aged woman in the commercial. It turns out that Denise Robb does bitter feminist stand up comedy:



Kylie D (Kylie Delre) is likewise a comic of sorts.  She also appears to be is the actress who played the cranky middle aged woman in the commercial:




But the commercial still doesn’t make sense if you assume AutoZone is targeting women in general.  Young single women aren’t going to identify with the bitter aging wife with a loser husband.  And most married women don’t aspire to be the bitter aging wife of a loser either.  But the ad does work for a narrow category of women, bitter aging unmarried feminists.  They can watch the ad and laugh at all three of the participants.  They may be bitter cat ladies, but at least they aren’t like the losers who shop or work at AutoZone, and at least they don’t have a loser husband!

This is a strange niche market for AutoZone to go all in on, but they do seem to have their message zeroed in quite well.

Update:  You can’t make this stuff up.  Here is a video of Denise Robb doing a routine about her cat.



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