Alpha Fux Beta Bux Even Held True In The Times Of Ancient Greece

Alpha Fux Beta Bux Even Held True In The Times Of Ancient Greece

Ancient Greece has always fascinated me. Their cultural achievements are the offspring of a more ruthless era when the virtues of masculinity—rationality, competitiveness, boldness—determined life and death. We don’t live in physically brutal times, but with the constant assault on manhood perpetuated by feminized elites, we’ve got our own problems to deal with. I’ve found that one of the best guards against this is consulting ancient thought. Their myths—particularly one about Aphrodite, Ares, and Hephaestus—are guidelines for men and allegories for red pill concepts such as Alpha Fux Beta Bux.

A Little Mythology Lesson

According to mythology, Aphrodite, the goddess of love, had two notable paramours: Ares, the god of war, and Hephaestus, the god of smithing. She was beautiful beyond compare, and Hephaestus struck gold when he negotiated her hand with Zeus. He built her a spectacular wedding house, and did his best to keep her interested.

Aphrodite’s affection, however, couldn’t be negotiated. She slept with Ares while married to Hephaestus, even bearing multiple children with him. When Hephaestus discovered the infidelity, he trapped both of them in a net while they were sleeping together and paraded them to the Olympians who shamed the two lovers.

Alpha Fux Beta Bux Even Held True In The Times Of Ancient Greece

Aphrodite’s regret is palpable.

You would think this should convince Aphrodite to quit her ways, but indifferent to Hephaestus’s scheme, she kept seeing Ares. Hephaestus, for his part, remained married to Aphrodite. He never fathered any children with her.

Greece From A Modern Perspective

I traveled to Greece last year, and some of that magic of older times peaked through murky wine glasses or the bangs of a pretty drinking partner who happened to be a local. The place had its ugly sides with disastrous European Union policies, odious Antifa and globalist activism, and migrant crisis, but people there took it with stride, and women were friendly, feminine, and fun.

Some guy friends accompanied me during my trip, and they also fancied the women. Two, however, stood out for their vastly different foreign dating outcomes.

I jokingly referred to one as the sink of the group. He drank like a motherfucker, and his experimentation with drugs bordered on rehab levels. He enjoyed acting like an asshole at times, but hanging out with him always amounted to a good time. That guy, not surprisingly, acquired a harem. He led one girl on, fucked another, and had the other girl literally show him texts the first girl had sent to her about wanting to fuck him, all the while his girlfriend waited patiently back in the states.

My other friend wasn’t so lucky. The nice and faithful Christian man that he was, he fell hard for one girl. She was a seven at best, but he did everything for her, hoping to one day marry her and have a family. I recall him excusing himself from a week-long drive around Greece that we had planned out because of “stomach flu” when in fact he used the week to hang out with her.

She enjoyed dating other guys on the side while always appreciating him as a “great friend.” By the time we left, my friend could spill only bitter words on how he was so done with her and the other women who turned him down (there were a lot). He never did shut up about them, though.

Compare And Contrast

The story of Ares and Hephaestus resonates in my mind while I reflect on my two friends. One poor chap, through fault of his clumsy come-ons and insecurities, earned open contempt from his Aphrodite. Meanwhile, women flocked for another guy who, in spite of his reckless hedonism and obvious promiscuity, impressed with a devil-may-care attitude and dominant personality.

The Aphrodites? All of them acknowledged Ares wasn’t exactly the best choice for a long-term partner, but they would never humor Hephaestus as anything more than a friend. From an objective point of view, both guys wanted the same thing: getting laid. Yet it was their methods that separated desirous intrigue for one and condescending amusement for the other.

Alpha Fux Beta Bux Even Held True In The Times Of Ancient Greece

It went something like this for Hephaestus.


Does this parallel runs deeper? Did the Greeks understand sex dynamics and weave narratives to preserve this knowledge? Or was it just a coincidence?

Regardless of intent, the myth did a great job of reinforcing Alpha Fux Beta Bux for me. Whether intentional or not, allegories have staying power in the mind, and are second only to experience in teaching valuable truths. Had Hephaestus known more about Ancient Greece and bothered to read mythology, he might have avoided his blunders and bedded his Aphrodite.

Read More: 8 Important Lessons From The Classic Novel Lolita


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