America Has Become So Spirtually Dead That More People Than Ever Are Killing Themselves With Drugs

America Has Become So Spirtually Dead That More People Than Ever Are Killing Themselves With Drugs

You know you’re living in a suicidal culture when more Americans now die annually from drug overdoses than died during the entirety of the Vietnam War. What’s more, another grim side of this statistic is more people under age 50 now die of drug overdoses than any other cause of death in America.

But why?

One might argue it’s because the nation has long been spiritually dead and the country runs on people trying to fill the void in their lives with novel shopping and eating out experiences. But nothing they can buy or eat ever quite does it the way having basic human relationships and close knit families once did.

America Has Become So Spirtually Dead That More People Than Ever Are Killing Themselves With DrugsLiving in a deeply sexually repressed culture also takes its toll on the human psyche, in which Anglo America has deemed it okay for gays and lesbians (1-3% of the population) to have fulfilling sex lives but frowns upon straight men pursuing sexual satisfaction with straight women both culturally and legally.

As a result of a culture that literally sold out its intrinsic happiness for extrinsic life goals like more consumer junk and McMansions and shinier boxes on wheels, and in which no man is “good enough” for a screw from today’s obese, wannabe goddesses, more people are dying annually by trying to chemically escape today’s modern dystopia than ever before. Anywhere from 59,000 to 65,000 people died of drug overdoses just last year.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein detailed the grim statistics last week, which prove modern Anglo culture is also deadlier than terrorism. Breitbart reports:

To grasp the enormity of the epidemic he claimed that if three mass-shootings as deadly as the Pulse Nightclub Attack occurred three times every day for 365 days, then the death toll would roughly reach that of drug overdoses in 2015.

Once again, clueless leaders address the problem of people being so miserable from Anglo culture they are literally dropping like flies – seeking an escape through drugs until they overdose – by incorrectly diagnosing the problem and applying the wrong remedies, as Groucho Marx famously stated politicians always do. They see it as a law enforcement problem. It’s not a law enforcement problem, it’s a cultural problem.

It’s called working people like slaves, taking their youth, families and free time away, treating them like children on the job and in daily life, creating a materialistic society bereft of culture, and making it the metaphorical equivalent of a moon shot for the masses of Beta male laborers to fulfill their physical and psychological sexual needs. Drugs have become a way to ease the pain caused by the spiritual deadness in modern America and of course, the loneliness brought on by a society that has molded its citizens (and men and women) into each other’s enemy and competitor rather than each other’s neighbor and lover.

Of course, this new drug abuse narrative will be used to impose even more Draconian government intervention into the lives of the average person rather than to give people some of their lives back and let them return to intrinsically fulfilling life goals.

Even More Power For Law Enforcement

America Has Become So Spirtually Dead That More People Than Ever Are Killing Themselves With Drugs

What ever happened to Protect and Serve? Not Oppress and Subjugate

At last week’s press conference, Rosenstein set up his agency and its oppressive DEA, which have both colossally failed in their 40-year old Drug War, to aggrandize more power.

Some people say we should be more permissive, more tolerant, more understanding about drug use. I say we should be more honest and forthcoming with the American people on the clear and present danger that we know face.

In other words, more Prohibition, not less, and more jack-booted thugs, not fewer are coming our way. And more importantly, don’t expect a government and its masters in the corporate world to lessen human suffering by breaking some of the chains they’ve placed around their peons’ legs, because both sides of the coin are profiting enormously from the status quo.

America Has Become So Spirtually Dead That More People Than Ever Are Killing Themselves With DrugsPeople being so miserable that they’re offing themselves with drugs in astonishing numbers is profitable. They buy material things like palliatives to ease their existential suffering and eat until they’re obese, trying to buy their way to happiness. The corporate-government complex makes a lot of money by turning people into consumption machines this way.

When that doesn’t work and the shop-and-eat lifestyle fails to bring a sense of fulfillment into the lives of the serfs, increasing numbers move on to drugs to try and find an escape from the daily hell of the sleep-work-spend cycle. Oppressive law enforcement then lobbies for even more power and more money for themselves to “fight” a problem that can’t be won through force.

The one constant, and the important question to ask is: Who is profiting from this situation? Why, the Establishment is profiting, of course. That’s why the DOJ and DEA want even more power. This is a defining moment for them to profit even more off what is a cultural and spiritual problem, not a drug problem.

This is America in the early 21st century. A truly frightening place for those with the mental horsepower to see what’s going on. How many more deaths and ruined lives will it take before the masses realize clinging to the “leadership” of the Establishment and their goons in law enforcement isn’t working? You’re asking for help from the very people tasked with turning you into what Herbert Hoover called another “happiness machine.” As it turns out, selling out human lives, turning people into profit-producing “machines” for dollars and cents is having disastrous results for humanity but it provides cushy lives for those in power.

We have reached a crescendo of this insanity in modern Anglo society, in which people want to go on doing what they’ve been doing, living vain, materialistic lives while hoping to get different results each time they swipe out at the local strip mall. That’s the root of the drug problem – it has nothing to do with law enforcement not having the citizens even more firmly under its thumb.

I don’t know about you, but I’m not following the masses into destruction. When will we stop listening to those whose lives and finances are based on continuing, and worsening, the current corporate-government (and law enforcement goon) paradigm?

To end the drug addiction/mass drug abuse death issue, treat the root causes rather than the symptoms. That won’t be as profitable, though. So it will never happen.

Read More: How Brave New World Author Aldous Huxley Foresaw Modern America In 1958 


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