An educated guess.

Commenter Anonymous Reader ponders the response of prominent Complementarians to the case of social workers lying in court to take a woman’s children away:

I wonder what the usual tradcon suspects like Wilson, Piper, Grudrem, Keller, etc. would have to say about this?

I of course can’t speak for these men, but I can make an educated guess:

Wilson: “The county is in the right. Women social workers can’t be expected to understand that lying in court to destroy a family is wrong, unless they also happen to be a lawyer. Although, in a perfect world, perhaps in 1,000 years they could be punished for this.”

Piper: “So then the single mother karate kicks the evil social worker, saving the day!  Keeyaa!”

Grudem: (A year of silence while he finds yet another 1,000 examples of case law showing that perjury is in fact against the law).

Keller: “The single mother should have gone into an uncontrollable rage and started breaking things around the courtroom.”


Edit:  Cane Caldo suggested links to the posts explaining the educated part of the guess.  For Wilson, see here and here.  For Piper, see here.  For Grudem, see here.  For Keller, see here and here.


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