When one is on the unpopular side of an argument, as we here at ROK usually find ourselves, it is incredibly important to have the facts straight. Most of us have been through the red pill required reading, and we’re all guilty of internalizing what we read and re-quoting it in our own way. However when you cross the bridge from reader to writer, or from student to teacher, it is important to continually check yourself to make sure you are teaching correctly.
Getting The Facts Right
In an effort to make sure I myself had my facts straight, I started a project to verify a few statistics that were important to my understanding of the manosphere. One of the most impactful books I’ve read is “The Myth of Male Power” by Dr. Warren Ferrell. It outlines several issues with the “Women as Victim, Male as Oppressor” argument, and has very specific data to back up its claims.
If you haven’t read it, do so immediately. The problem is that the book, and the data backing it, is over 20 years old. It is often quoted, but how does that narrative hold up today? I took a shot at updating the research, and compiling my findings in to an easy to understand infograph. I made sure my sources are listed (clickable at the bottom), and are based on legitimate studies by government organizations—not simply re-quoted from someone else’s opinion. Most of my data comes from 2013, since it takes organizations at least a year or two to compile, analyze, and publish their findings.
Important to note is that this data does not aim to disprove any feminist arguments. There is data supporting their narratives that rape, domestic violence, and sexism do exist in some capacity (that capacity being the main point of argument). However their narrative is that it must be great to be male, and not have these problems associated with one’s gender.
Therein lies the issue. In reality, there are pros and cons to being either gender, and the cons of being a male are consistently downplayed. Here is what it’s really like to be a male in the US…
These statistics represent dead men. The fact is that there is no equality in suicide, workplace fatalities, combat fatalities, and murder. In each of those cases, it is men that lose. Men are losing their families, men are populating the prisons, and men are sleeping alone on the streets. Men are losing.
In a truly equal society, these percentages would be closer to the gender population split—nearly 50/50. Until these topics are being discussed in the mainstream media, men are going to have little interest or sympathy in discussing the “pay gap” or “body-shaming.” There is no time to worry about hurt feelings when men are being killed at an alarming rate.
Men are working dangerous jobs (construction, transportation, military) in order to provide for their families. They are still the backbone of America, and our greatness is built upon their shoulders. But then something happens. Maybe they lose their job. They still need to provide for their families, so they turn to crime, and end up in prison. Or perhaps their efforts go unappreciated by their wives, who file for divorce, claim half their future income, and take their children.
Many of these men end up homeless, not able to make ends meet owing the government and their ex-wives substantial portions of their income. In the end, they decide it’s best to end it—put a gun in their mouth and pull the trigger. No cry for help here, just an end to a miserable existence. That male privilege is pretty awesome, isn’t it?
I encourage you to check out the references, check my facts, and add your own links and statistics in the comments. I will continue to update my infograph and this article with any additional findings. Help me make sure that we are putting quality information in the hands of our readers.
Here is an easier link to share just the image of the chart: https://magic.piktochart.com/embed/6673366-male-privilege-statistics
Read More: The Myth Of Male Privilege
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