One of the ideas feminists have been floating is a curfew for men. Most recently this made the news as a viral series of tweets. From This is What Women Would Do if There Were No Men On The Streets Post 9 PM:
Don’t go out late at night. Don’t dress in short clothes. Don’t walk down deserted roads. Don’t go into dark corners…
No, these are not rules for an entry into some prison. If you are a woman, you probably have been taught all of these as a child.
We are told that outside spaces are unsafe. That going out late at night is a risk. That you cannot stroll down at 2 A.M at night without fearing for your life. As much as you choose to, or not choose to believe in these, society conditions you to these factors. It becomes so normalized that you don’t think about why it is a problem.
This feminist idea goes back many years. Back in 2014 ran an article titled Would a Curfew for Men Be Good for Society? The Vice article referenced a Colombian city that was “experimenting” with the idea:
Bars and clubs are being encouraged to host women-only events, while men who have to be out and about in the evening will need to carry a safe-conduct permit issued by the mayor’s office, explaining why they are out during the curfew.
But according to Vice, the idea itself dates back at least to the early 1970s:
Back in the early 70s, Golda Meir, the then prime minister of Israel, was faced with a government cabinet full of men discussing how best to curb a wave of violent rapes. The idea of banning women from the streets after dark was floated. Meir made a counteroffer.
“Men are attacking women,” she said. “Not the other way around. If there is going to be a curfew, let the men be locked up, not the women.”
One thing to keep in mind is that the idea of a curfew for men is not about stopping crime or protecting women. This is about feminist envy of men. In order to protect women, such a scheme would not only have to keep good law abiding men off the streets, it would have to keep murderers, rapists, etc. off the streets as well. The feminists themselves understand that such a law would only keep the good men off the streets, and they are fine with that. As the promoter of the Colombian scheme acknowledged in the Vice article, such a rule would depend upon the goodwill of men:
Any fines handed out are likely to be symbolic, however. The success of the scheme will rest on whether men choose to go along with the campaign. As Beltrán conceded, “We can only hope men accept the challenge [to stay at home],” which is far from a certainty.
But why would feminists want a rule to keep good men at home at night in response to crimes committed by bad men? Not only would this not make women safer, but removing good men would make women even more vulnerable to the small number of bad ones. The answer is that this isn’t about crime or safety, but envy. This is about feminists envying good men, and wanting to punish them for having something they covet.
This isn’t about feminists being angry with rapists and murderers, this is about them resenting the good men who unhesitatingly go out of their way to keep women safe. The proposal is the response to the feminist question:
Why do men get to protect women? Why isn’t it the other way around?
In a satirical piece in the Sydney Morning Herald this July, Melinda Houston captured this envy perfectly. After acknowledging that truly bad men would not be deterred by the curfew, she described the real benefit of the law; good men would be afraid and need to turn to women for protection:
But how about when I want to, say, go out and have dinner or a few drinks with male friends? Well, right now, at the conclusion of an evening’s festivities one or more of my male companions see me safely into a taxi. But under the new regime any men out after dark would have to be accompanied by a responsible female, and escorted in person to appropriate transport. It’s completely do-able. I can attest to it. I’ve been doing it for decades.
Same rules for any chap who works nights.
And if you can’t afford a taxi or an Uber or arrange for a friend to collect you? Well, gentlemen, you’d have to take your chances, just as the ladies currently do.
This is of course the same impulse driving the insistence of forcing women into every unit in the military, no matter the cost. Rape and murder they can tolerate, but feeling gratitude is absolutely unbearable.
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