Any day now she’ll see I’m the man for her!

Stephen Green at Instapundit linked to an article on nearly all house democrats sponsoring a transgender sports bill:

HEINLEIN’S CRAZY YEARS (CONT’D): 234 House Democrats, Two Republicans Co-Sponsor Bill Forcing Schools To Let Male Athletes Compete On Girls’ Sports Teams.

Predictably this led to much celebration amongst conservative commenters (as the real feminists).  One commenter wrote:

Congratulations. What better way to tell the female half of the population that no matter how hard they work, or how good they become, the system will always be stacked against them, and society encourages this.

Another replied:

Make no mistake which fraction of society is promoting this. The lesson women need to take from this is that the democrats and left are willing to throw them under the bus to cater to a mentally ill splinter.

My response to the latter comment:

This is the political equivalent of the beta orbiter excitedly waiting in the wings for a woman to realize that she’s been wasting her time on bad boys for years, when her prince charming was right in front of her all along. Republicans aren’t going to win the feminist vote because of this.


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