Here at ROK, it is no secret that a woman’s best assets dwindle with age. It is also no secret that Western women in particular tend to squander their best years. With that said, I have had the opportunity to compare and contrast the differences between a night-in with a 19-year-old girl and a 28-year-old woman. I will report my results, but first, the control…
Setting The Stage
I didn’t intentionally plan on this ahead of time, but it just happened to work out that I was going to be seeing these girls on back-to-back days. First, a fact about me: I’m a home field advantage kind of guy. I am a bit of a hermit and an introvert, so I prefer day/convenience game and dating logistics to be focused around hanging at my place instead of going out. Both of these dates were planned for the girl to come to my place, I’d make dinner or buy take out and throw a movie on to vibe out physical responsiveness.
Girl Y
Girl Y is 28 years old. She works all the time, lives alone, has a cat, and her best friend is her mother (so it seems). She is overweight, but talks about her gym routine often. After some discussion, it is apparent that her exercise habits are very up and down, especially since her “busy schedule makes it hard to work out regularly.” She talks about work and her coworkers most of the time, the rest of the time she talks about her cat and how silly/cute/crazy/affectionate it is. We both ate a plate full of food.
On the couch with a movie on, I put my arm behind her back and position myself close to her in order to gauge her responsiveness, after school special style. She remains tucked in the corner of the couch legs crossed. It’s obvious if any kind of action is going to happen tonight, I will have to do all the work. After some more talking as the night grows on, I interrupt her mid-cat story with the kiss. She is responsive.
I put her on top of me, take the shirt and bra off, lay her down, start grinding, and then I propose the bedroom move. She becomes apprehensive and gives the “time of the month” resistance. I tell her my bathroom is right there and I don’t mind if she doesn’t mind. She then says it’s too soon and that she should go. I’m not one to lay the pressure on, so I concede and let her on her merry way.
Girl X
Girl X is 19 years old, works a lot, and lives with her parents. She is petite with a slim, tight body, and perfect handfuls of ass and breast. She doesn’t really talk unless I ask her something. I don’t know who her friends are or if she has any pets. I ate a plate full of food and she only had a half portion.
On the couch with a movie on, I put my arm over behind her back and position myself close to her in order to gauge her responsiveness. She scooches closer to me and leans her head into my shoulder a bit, and holds my hand that is around her shoulder. Laser show. As the night grows on, I lean in for a kiss during a slight awkward silence. She is responsive.
I put her on top of me, take the shirt and bra off, lay her down, start grinding, and then I propose the bedroom move. She becomes apprehensive and gives the “time of the month” resistance. I tell her my bathroom is right there and I don’t mind if she doesn’t mind. She pauses and agrees. She comes upstairs shortly after me and we bang. We lay in bed for a while and she goes home saying she has to be up early and has laundry to do. I never did find a tampon in my trash.
What Does It All Mean?
Looking over the course of history of my dating life, these contrasts have been seemingly ubiquitous. Every younger girl I’ve dated has been carefree, cute, adventurous, easy in bed, and fun to spend time with. All the older girls were boring, let their bodies go, had kids, talked a lot about work/friends/exes/themselves, loved cats too much, and were often times more difficult in the sexual department. Come to think of it, I dated a girl once in her mid 20’s who was an exact middle ground—cute, liked her cat too much, talked about work too much, easy in the sack but not too adventurous, had a tight body that she was starting to let go of. Too bad.
After a series of relationships that had gone south, I had figured my problem was that younger women were just too irresponsible, immature, selfish, dumb, and ignorant to invest in. I thought older women were the ticket. After some soul-searching, in conjunction with some enlightenment I discovered stumbling upon the mansophere, I have come to the realization that is the wrong way to look at it. Essentially, in our culture, there is really no woman worth investing in. Spending time with women, enjoying their company, having sex with them, and so forth is all you really need. This is much better done with young, energetic, pretty, living-in-the-moment girls.
You’re a strong, independent, self-driven, and focused man who already has your shit together. What value would an established career woman add to your life? You don’t need more money, you don’t need a woman to be responsible for you, and you don’t need a partner who is “on your level.” You’re a man who wants to enjoy the company of someone beautiful and feminine. Someone who can physically and emotionally satisfy you while you go about your life. Ask yourself: is an aging single mom or self-absorbed chubby with a 401k going to satisfy you?
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