I’m really ticked at the Southern Poverty Law Center. They left me off a list of evil mean manosphere sites. Congrats to Ferdinand, Roosh, A Voice For Men, The False Rape Society, and The Spearhead among others though.
Perhaps the most absurd part of their new report Misogyny: The Sites is that they hold out Manboobz as a voice of reason:
What follows are brief descriptions of a dozen of these sites. Another resource is the Man Boobz website (manboobz.com), a humorous pro-feminist blog (its tagline is “Misogyny: I Mock It”) that keeps a close eye on these and many other woman-hating sites.
With Manboobz as the official counterpoint of the manosphere, it really isn’t even sporting. I almost feel bad for the SPLC. Is he really the best opposing view they could come up with when exposing the dark danger and thought crimes of the manosphere? If you haven’t read his site, take a few minutes to see what you have been missing.
While I’m disappointed that I didn’t make the cut, I at least can take solace in Greenlander’s report that this blog is banned in China. Yeah, I know, it turns out that all wordpress.com blogs are banned in China, but you have to take solace where you can find it. Maybe I can appeal to the SPLC and point out that all the other commies think I’m really dangerous and have them reconsider adding me to the list.
Edit: I see that Paul Elam has written a thoughtful letter in response to the SPLC. I would love to see them attempt to respond to it.
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