Posts by
Aaron Clarey
Stop Trying To “Find” A Wife
I have a rule at Asshole Consulting. If I get a unique question, it’s a statistical oddity. If I get it again, it’s a coincidence. But if I get it a third time,… read more
Will America Be The Country That Hastens The Demise Of Feminism?
Accountants face a problem. Say you sell gasoline. The price you pay to your supplier varies day to day. But once the gas truck stops by to refill your underground tanks,… read more
3 Types Of Shows That Are Like “The View” For Men
“The View” is (rightfully so) the butt end of all jokes, references, sleights, and insults intelligent people use to shame the inferior women who watch it. It is vain, vapid,… read more
“Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” Promises To Be An SJW Sermon Against White Males
To be truthful, I was unconsciously looking forward to “Rogue One.” I say “unconscious” because what handful of trailers I saw of it did pique my interest, but movies, and… read more
Buzz Aldrin Is A Warning Of How Success Can Lead To Depression
Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong are household names because they were the first men to land on the moon. And while Neil is perhaps the more-remembered of the two because… read more
It’s Becoming Too Dangerous For College Males To Date Girls On Campus
The day was too busy for me to notice it at the time, but in retrospect I had a very interesting client. He faced a problem that is increasingly present… read more
Do Women Prefer Drama Instead Of Justice?
Whether they do it consciously or not, it doesn’t matter. Loser women have the tendency to treat you as beneath them, as if you are there to serve them. You… read more
Many Of You Can Ignore The 5th Commandment
An important lesson I learned is that “bad things” aren’t necessarily bad things in the long run. Matter of fact, sometimes the absolute worst thing to happen to you in… read more
These Are The Cards You’ve Been Dealt
A while back I had an interesting conversation with a tenant of mine. He was a tall, athletic young man and during a party of inebriation he asked me, “SAY! … read more
How The Manosphere Is Filling A Void Left By Feminized Modern Churches
Religions, specifically Christianity has an interesting history and consequently an interesting evolution. Like all religions it originally started as the sole form of government. If a tribe got too big… read more
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