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Alfonso Taft
What Television Does To Your Mind
Cable television is a blue pill pacifier of mind control and psychological conditioning. Within my own personal life, I’ve noticed a direct correlation between the amount of television somebody watches… read more
2 Masculine Autobiographies That Are Often Overlooked
There are great lessons to be learned in the biographies of prolific men. Contemporary masculine biographies are somewhat rare considering the massive pussifcation that’s taking place. Luckily, the manosphere provides… read more
Did John G. Trump Inspire The Space Force From Examining Nikola Tesla’s Secret Work?
What sort of new technologies was President Trump referring to when he proclaimed in his inaugural address that we’re “at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the… read more
3 Must-Read Books For Men In Their Late Twenties
27 is a big year for men. 28, even bigger. For men around or approaching this age, there are three books I recommend: Righteous Indignation by Andrew Breitbart, Death of… read more
Tekashi 69 Shows How Clownish The Rap World Has Become
Clown World is not without a King. His name is Daniel Hernandez, aka Tekashi 69. As a rapper with rainbow hair, absurd facial tattoos, and history of underage sex crimes,… read more
The Rise And Fall Of Eminem
I was ten years old when my father bought the Marshall Mathers LP. I sat in the passenger’s seat of my father’s black Nissan Altima as he inserted the CD… read more
Bartstool Sports Is Profiting From Pushing A Beta Male Lifestyle Onto American Men
Barstool Sports is a blog centered around watching television, drinking alcohol, and eating pizza. This faux brand of masculinity glorifies mediocrity, weakness, and decadence. “If you like sports, if you… read more
10 Lessons I Learned From Henry Ford
Deferential admiration does little to serve ROK readers. Lessons from a prolific man of historical significance like Henry Ford however; are of great value. What can we learn from Henry… read more
4 Reasons You Shouldn’t Date a Girl Who Likes Beyoncé
Liking Beyoncé is much more subtle than having green hair but it’s often an indicator that a woman is an extreme leftist. I’ve discovered a direct correlation between how much a… read more
How To Play Pickup Basketball On Any Court In America
The American basketball court is akin to the barbershop, bowling alley, shooting range, or golf course: one of the last few bastions of masculinity here in the West. The American… read more
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