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Amasa M. Lyman
How To Meet And Date Mormon Girls
Men search the world for women that they can stand to be around with long-term. Narcissism, androgyny, obsession with pop culture—the problems with Western women go on and on. Is… read more
Byzantium Emperor Justinian Shows How “Gender Equality” Leads To Decadence & Mass Slaughter
Emperor Justinian I fought fiercely to restore Rome’s former glory. But in 532 A.D., he rounded up and slaughtered 30,000 of his own Byzantine citizens. How could such a strong and… read more
Women Must Be Excluded From Priesthood To Save Christianity
One Sunday, the bishop at my church remarked that too many women were standing around chatting after the meeting. He said they needed to proceed quickly to their Sunday school… read more
Masculine Strengths And Weaknesses In Germanic Tribes
Roman historian Tacitus wrote Germania in the first century A.D. as a study of the strengths and weaknesses of Germany’s tribes. He observed men who failed to lead their families… read more
5 Reasons To Avoid Women Who Drink Coffee
Look at pretty much any working woman and you will see an important companion, one that never leaves her: the coffee cup. It may be a loyal companion, but with each drop… read more
Florida Medical Students To Receive Important Training In LGBT Pronouns
An organization at the University of Florida wants all medical students to receive required training on how to talk sensitively to transgender and “non-binary” patients. The UF HealthQueer Alliance is giving… read more
Why Social Justice Is Satanic And We Need Religion To Defeat It
A small group of fanatics has risen. They are so extreme, so dangerous, and so removed from reality that the entire Western world is at stake. These fanatics claim to… read more
Librarian At University Of Tennessee Instructs Students To Stop Saying “He” And “She”
A librarian at the University of Tennessee made headlines this week when she sent a memo to university members instructing them to use “gender-neutral” language and avoid words like “he”… read more
Avoid Women Who Support Gay Marriage
The year was 2008 and Scott Eckern had everything he needed in life. He was the director at a top theater company. He had a lovely family and home. But… read more
How Modern Architecture Destroys Your Relationships
Most people don’t consider how architecture is important to relationships. Good architecture helps you meet and get to know people. But what few people realize is that the stores, office buildings,… read more
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