Posts by

Andre du Pole
When Will Boomers Stop Swindling Wealth From Younger Generations?
Among the many elephants dwelling in the Western room today, the retirement one is far from the smallest. Namely, the retirement system works like a Ponzi scheme: boomers, who are… read more
French-Turkish Patriarch Stands Up Against France’s Homosexual Mafia
At the end of June, a Frenchman of Turkish origin, Mourad Ghazli, had had enough of seeing rainbow flags prominently displayed on public buildings and now on Parisian pedestrian crossings…. read more
French Divorcée Has Sex With Arab, Gets Killed
Many females manage to wreck men’s lives without having their own life ever affected. However, it also happens that sometimes the pussy pass doesn’t work anymore. This is especially true… read more
The Roman Empire Was Built And Maintained By Top Athletes
If we want patriarchy and sanity back, or in other words if we want a return of kings, a great source of inspiration can be found in history. The Roman… read more
Liberals Do Not Know Themselves
The question sounds abstract and cliché at first: do we have free will? If you look at the academic side of the question, what you will see is a long… read more
Is Leftism The Carthage Of The Twenty-First Century?
For decades, every time he spoke in public, Roman statesman Cato the Elder would say at least once Carthago delenda est. Carthage must be destroyed! What had started as a… read more
Tolerance: A Brief History Of A Leftist Bludgeon
The injunction to “be tolerant” have become scarce in the mainstream discourse. In the current year version of The Current Year, the very concept of tolerance seems a bit passé…. read more
Stop Bashing The Nice Guy
Too many otherwise good men are bashing the nice guy. I am not talking of constructive criticism but of blaming the nice guy as if he was morally evil or… read more
How Journalists Became Whores
Journalists are supposed to follow a set of rules and values called deontology. These rules say journalists should strive to be impartial, objective, and to inform their readers. We know… read more
What To Do If Your Boomer Relatives Try To Steal Your Children
If you are a gen-X or a millennial born before 1991, chances are you have a son or a daughter. If you gamed girls efficiently, then spotted a valuable, trustworthy girl… read more
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