Posts by

Andre du Pole
7 Reasons Why Boomers Are The Worst Generation Alive
Some weeks ago, I went to a relative’s wedding. There were many boomers, including close relatives of mine I had not met for years. Too many boomers in fact. All… read more
False Molestation Accusation Locks Up Brazilian Father For 13 Years
Western civilization is powerful, but as most powers, it is a double-edged sword. For the West has (very) often been generous, building and giving free stuff for people of all… read more
How To Find A Potential Wife In Brazil
If you manage to get some money and tighten your game, the Western metropolises have their perks. Namely, there are plenty of opportunities to meet new girls. Many of them… read more
7 Pieces Of Financial Advice From Robert Kiyosaki
Unless you are younger than 20, Robert Kiyosaki’s name should sound familiar. This Japanese-American man has become well-known in 1997 thanks to his book Rich Dad, Poor Dad, which contained… read more
The Rise And Fall Of Vampire Cities
Historically, cities have been double-edged swords. They were trade nodes and centres of innovations, which allowed them to be culturally interesting, but they also were on the vanguard of degeneracy… read more
Progress Does Not Exist
The blue-pill consciousness follows a Manichean narrative. One of the most important elements of the narrative is “progress.” It is something über-positive, associated to all kind of positive passions and… read more
How Using A Pressure Cooker Changed My Life
Far too many writers, marketers, promoters and other spinsters use the “changed my life” formula when they have something to promote. As a result, we tend to get cynical whenever… read more
Having A Child Gives You A Reason To Fight
We are in the midst of a gigantic crisis of identity. Every part of our particular identity has been reviled, torn apart, stolen from us. Instead we have a pseudo-humanism… read more
China Will Eat The West
The Current Year in the West is unbalanced and self-destructive. Native Westerners’ demography is in free-fall, families are rare or fragile, the mainstream culture is treacherous and toxic, the power… read more
French Feminists Say Women Are Smaller Because Men Conspired Against Them
On December 8, as I was musing on the computer before starting some usual Chris Pratt workout training, a strange video popped up on my Facebook feed. French outlet L’Obs,… read more
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