Posts by

Andre du Pole
How The Elite Manipulates Your Notions Of Love And Hatred
If some identity or group is on the side of the elite, it is framed as an underdog or ex-underdog who courageously stood up for its rights after having been… read more
Young People Are Returning To The Land
After decades of rural exodus, the land is becoming popular again. The trend is rather discrete and seldom heard of inside the mainstream world, but it has been gaining traction… read more
5 Qualities That Dying Empires Lack
Along with blue pill and global governance comes the Hollow Empire. We live in the golden age of marketing, public relationships, and propaganda. Many people are good at crafting appearances… read more
15 Signs You Are Working A Bullshit Job
Some jobs are physically tough. Some are intellectually demanding. Some are milder, more in the middle, yet still useful. And then there are bullshit jobs: paper-shufflers, keywords typers, CAPTCHA fulfillers,… read more
Meet Anne Lauvergeon, A French Executive Who Managed To Lose More Than 10 Billion Dollars
North America has more than its fair share of pampered, constantly helped, media-touted, yet ultimately flawed and even nefarious female power figures. Beyond the classical Hitlery, whose addiction to public… read more
7 Trends That Will Shape Your Future
If you are into futurology, you must have already noticed the existence of not one but two futurologies out there. One of them is the mainstream one. It is a mixture… read more
5 Reasons Why Ray Kurzweil’s Singularity Will Never Happen
Ray Kurzweil is famous for promoting a very optimistic vision of the future, at least among the hip urban globalists. His core idea is that we will fuse with technology…. read more
Ancient Greece Was A Middle Class Civilization
Ancient Greece has mesmerized modern Westerners for centuries. Enthusiastic scholars went as far as talking of a “Greek miracle,” and even if they went a bit far, it is easy… read more
The Nightmare Of Electronic Progress And Automated Processes
On Saturday, September 30, I went to the bank to withdraw some cash. It was the end of the month, when many people receive their wages and rush to the… read more
What Is Western Civilization?
Western civilization is under attack. It has been routinely betrayed from the inside by fifth columns degrading it, calling it imperialistic, oppressive, hypocritical, and so on. When only seeing the… read more
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