Posts by

Andre du Pole
How The Half-Life Video Game Series Mirrors Our Current Reality
Since the release of its first opus, the Half-Life series has had an almost mythical aura. Sure, its gameplay was well-thought, its graphic engine quite advanced—but beyond that, the series… read more
The Myth That Liberals Are More Fair And Less Authoritarian Than Conservatives
For years, a meme has been promoted by institution-occupying liberals who pretend to be “political scientists”: liberals care about fairness, whereas conservatives value authority and purity. At face value, the… read more
How White Flight Can Be Reversed
Since at least the 1960s, more and more people of European descent have been fleeing the unwanted, invasive and often crime-riddled presence of non-whites. At the end of the 1980s,… read more
Why You Should Ban Visually Barbaric LED Lightbulbs From Your Home
Our daily lives are full of things we take for granted and do not give much attention to. Do you think much about the lamps, or better yet, the light… read more
6 Lessons About Women And Relationships From The Law Code Of Manu
Considered from a long memory point of view, feminism is quite recent, owing its exponential development to a very specific modern historical context. The matriarchal tribes Leftist anthropologists have been… read more
5 Bonus Life Lessons From The Law Code Of Manu
A good thing about not being a conservative lies in having a wider range of possibilities and references available. Over the years, the same red pill I got by reading… read more
5 Essential Life Lessons From The Hindu Law Code Of Manu
According to official academics, the Law Code of Manu is a legal document produced around the second or third century BC in India. It has been created in a context… read more
Russia Embarrasses Ukraine In The Latest Propaganda Battle Of East Versus West
On 29 May, 2017, a brief Twitter feud happened between Ukraine and Russia. The two powers’ official and non-official accounts skirmished through light punchlines and pictures. The Ukrainian account posted… read more
As Western Democracy Descends Into Tyranny, Plato’s Republic Becomes More Relevant Than Ever
It is sometimes said that originality is overrated. Many of those who claim to be original are actually borrowing someone else’s ideas or, at best, developing what has been “in… read more
How The Perception Of Disgust Is Manipulated Over Time To Break The Human Spirit
Psychology matters. Just like politics, if you don’t care about it, someone else will take it over for you. Having at least some basic wisdom about how our own minds… read more
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