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Andre du Pole
6 Ways The Globalist Establishment Has Achieved Worldwide Supremacy
No one reaches power by chance. When men were pater familias, thus having power and responsibility at home, they could only reach this position after having grown beyond the boyish,… read more
Are Proles The Useful Idiots Of A Two Centuries Old Elite Plan?
Our parents were taught at school that the world split up between capitalism and communism. For some, capitalism was to be equated with freedom and Western civilization—and it ominously slipped… read more
Are There Too Many People On Earth?
Western birth rates have been falling below replacement rates since the 1970-1980s. For more than forty years, Westerners in general and Whites in particular failed to produce enough children to maintain… read more
5 Cultural Milestones Where Leftists Assume Zero Responsibility For Their Choices
Being red-pilled and pushing on the world means that, sooner or later, libtards get mad and try to push us back. This happened to me, of course, and at least… read more
How Privileged Urban Liberals Profit From Poverty
Remember the 90’s media icon Mother Teresa? I was young when she still enjoyed a wide media coverage, and still I can remember a shrewd saying on her career: “She… read more
7 More Misleading Leftist Concepts That Pretend To Be Positive But Are Not
Years ago, when I struggled to get rid of my own leftist conditioning—such as automatically considering “equality” as good and such-and-such-“isms” as bad—I noticed a rather peculiar phenomena: every time… read more
6 Leftist Concepts That Pretend To Be Positive But Are Not
The left is intrinsically conflict-mongering. It always existed against a particular state of thing, whether real or fantasized. Early on, though, it dissimulated its conflictive essence by posing as positive… read more
5 Buzzwords Liberals Use To Smear Dissidents
When we were blue pills, some words would elicit in us Pavlovian answers. We would crawl at anything that appeared “racist” or tied to skin color. Anything deemed “Nazi” would… read more
5 Ugly Framing Tactics Leftists Use To Insult Dissenters
Against the liberal propensity to push leftwards constantly, conservatives have spent decades emphasizing common sense and “values.” They derided liberal intellectuals for fetishizing language, thus losing track of seemingly evident… read more
10 Potential Attacks That Can Defeat Cultural Marxism In Academia
In a seminal article on the freudo-Marxian origins of current leftist cultural hegemony, paleoconservative William S. Lind asked how we could answer it. He put forth two strategies: either we… read more
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