Posts by

Andre du Pole
6 Reasons Why I Gave Up On Libertarianism
These days, libertarianism tends to be quite discredited. It is now associated with the goofy candidature of Gary Johnson, having a rather narrow range of issues—legalize weed! less taxes!—, cucking… read more
Men Are Binded By Their Shared Realization Of Truth
The 9th of November 2016 was a great day. We will remember it as well as our parents remember the first moon landing in July 1969 or the fall of… read more
Why So-Called Intellectuals Do More Harm Than Good To Society
The existence of intellectuals is more ubiquitous today than ever. Many are those who contend for public attention, credibility, and money as a reward for their wits, not to mention… read more
American Woman In Bikini Desecrates French Catacombs For Her “Female Indiana Jones” Brand
The Paris catacombs are a place dear to my heart. Born in this very city, I had a front row seat to see it turn into a giant museum. Every… read more
3 More Emotions Men Should Master
Passions and emotions are an almost bottomless pit. Start digging there and you will find new ones, or new relations between this and that tidbit of emotional content. So-called Enlightenment… read more
4 More Emotions Men Should Master
Last week I expounded the idea that we should take the time to ponder about emotions. These matter much in prompting us to take action or not to, to think… read more
3 Emotions Men Should Master
We are all too familiar with the SJWs’ “muh feelings” pose. We are also familiar with the Leftists’ manipulative stance, be it through their sanctimonious bullying, guilt-tripping, appeals to a… read more
6 Things I Learned From Living The Nomad Lifestyle For Months
The twentysomething, basement-dwelling guy has become an archetype of the loser. Usually, one lives in a basement because one has no friends with whom he can share a rented flat… read more
Is It Ever Permissible To Accept Victimhood As A Man?
When one writes such a word as “victimhood,” what do you think about? If you are red-pilled enough, you must already be aware that it means something overused and stemming… read more
Brad Pitt And Angelina Jolie’s Daughter Is A Sad Casualty Of Disastrous Liberal Parenting
After 12 years of a highly advertised marriage, the Hollywood actors Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are divorcing. The news is all over the tabloids and the press people specialized… read more
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