Posts by

Andre du Pole
How To Spot The “Nice Girl” For A Potential Relationship
The word “nice” has become negatively connoted since it has been associated with being a nice guy. Before, niceness was a virtue, equated with gentleness, goodness, respectfulness. It was part… read more
A Gentleman’s Pleasure: Collecting Pieces Of History
In a normal world, every generation inherits something from its fathers and forefathers. The inheritance may consist of traditions, cultural identities, abilities associated to a particular work, and actually so… read more
8 Circumstances When Anger Is Actually Good
Lately ROK writer Corey Savage has penned a couple of pieces about the negative sides of anger. His pieces exude hard-earned, experience-based wisdom. It is very easy, when one is… read more
4 Men Who Obtained Absolute Devotion And Worship From Women
I would go to the end of the world, I would dye my hair blond, if you asked me I would betray my country, I would reject my friends, if… read more
31 Signs You Might Be A Bobo
“Bobo” is the contraction of “Bourgeois Bohemian,” an expression that surfaced in the late 1990s. According to David Brooks, self-claimed Bobo and author of the first book on the topic,… read more
Should Flogging Be Reinstated As A Criminal Punishment?
The contemporary Western prison system is a disaster. It is overcrowded, especially in the US, where more than two million adults are incarcerated—more than in China, which has thrice the… read more
7 Things I Learned About Masculinity From Wandering The Paris Catacombs
Under Paris, France, is a network of ancient quarries mined for building stone. It was dug for centuries during the middle Ages. Later on, as Paris kept growing and needed… read more
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