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Andrew Levinson
What I Learned From The Exorcist
I converted to Catholicism at the age of 24. Three years later, being an unmarried man filled with zeal for the faith, I entered the seminary to study for the… read more
The Soul Of Man
The existence of the soul is of utmost importance for both philosophy and theology. It is the animating principle of our bodies by which we think, feel, imagine, and remember…. read more
Pope Paul VI Was A Prophet For Our Time
Christians in general, and Catholics in particular, are portrayed as puritanical and anti-sex. This raises a question: if Catholics hate sex so much, then why did they historically tend to… read more
The Four Cardinal Virtues
Traditional Christian theology names faith, hope, and charity as the theological virtues. They are directly imparted to the believing Christian by the grace of God and are not attainable through… read more
Philosophical Approaches To Proving The Existence Of God
Atheist polemicists portray religious faith as an irrational belief that has no supporting evidence at all. Theists reply that of course there is evidence for the existence of God, the… read more
One Man Can Change The World
Athanasius of Alexandria (296-98? – 373) is held in esteem by all Christian churches. His stout defense of the dogma of the Holy Trinity earned him the title of “The… read more
The Pursuit Of Truth, Goodness, And Beauty
Clive Staples Lewis (1898 – 1963) is best known for his Chronicles of Narnia series, but he was also one of the great Christian apologists of the early 20th century…. read more
How To Restore Civilization By Following St. Benedict’s Example
Civilization is dying. Denizens of the manosphere attribute society’s terminal illness to numerous causes, and there are as many prescriptions as there are men, but the fact of Western cvilization’s… read more
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