Posts by

Andrian Red
The Two Most Important Psychological Needs Of Men
There are only two needs that matter the most to men: the need to belong and the need for appreciation. This should come as no surprise. We are hardwired to be social… read more
5 Proven Ways To Become More Assertive
Last week I went to dinner with my cousin and her friend who were visiting me for some days. They really enjoy Italian food so I booked a table in… read more
How To Be More Honest In 6 Hard Steps
Honesty is one of the hardest topics to cover. Although there are thousands of books and articles out there teaching you how to be dishonest, very few actually cover how… read more
Having Trouble Managing Your Relationships? You Only Need These 3 Categories
If you are an ambitious person by nature, you will most probably realize at some point that your relationships, just like your life, need to be managed effectively in order… read more
The Art Of Meta: How Self-Awareness Can Evolve Your Seduction
Imagine this. You are having a conversation with a girl you just met at a bar. She is describing a recent trip to Spain—to the same city you had visited… read more
Sharpen Your Tribal Instincts To Lead In Modern Society
In the olden days, when civilization was strictly hierarchical, a man’s value and status was determined by his lineage or how he could ascend to the top. There were many… read more
Game Of Thrones Reminds Us How Monogamy Can Harm Your Masculinity
Game of Thrones (GoT). The ultimate blockbuster of the present decade. During its episodes we laughed, we cried, we felt excitement, jealousy, arousal and joy. We experienced all these feelings that… read more
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