Posts by

Anton Hagen
5 Reasons Why Bisexuals Cannot Be Taken Seriously
The topic of bisexuality keeps cropping up time and time again. It’s constantly rammed down our throats: taking the form of either vacuous gossip about the “bi-curious” escapades of an… read more
How The Global Financial Market Mirrors Our Sexual Marketplace
The hedonistic juggernaut that is modern society indulges all our physical needs: a plethora of luxury goods and services can satisfy each and every one of our sensual desires without… read more
Reflections On The Roosh World Tour
It has now been around two months since Roosh visited London on his world tour. The day was very educational and revealing, and I feel it appropriate to discuss some… read more
How Can We Overcome The Adverse Effects Of Modern Culture?
Modern culture appears to be dominant and unstoppable. Leftist insanity is increasing, traditional institutions are collapsing and people with views contrary to the accepted norm are literally portrayed as monsters…. read more
Modern Entertainment Has Transformed How Women Choose Men
We’ve all seen girls responding ecstatically to the aloof, mysterious man with his hand-reading routines, negging, and general masculine allure. We’ve also seen them having no qualms in hopping from… read more
5 Reasons To Take Up Classical Music
We live in an age of boredom, lack of fulfillment and wasted time. Modern culture has become so idle that pursuing a hobby intensively is almost considered to be “a… read more
Evidence For Blue Pill Brain Damage Puts Modern Democracy Into Question
Democracy is widely accepted as being the fairest political system. Anyone who dares question its legitimacy is usually cast out as a fascist or a moron. Despite this fact, few… read more
Modern Travelling Has Lost Its Original Purpose
The traditional aim of travelling was to completely detach oneself from ordinary life and experience it from a wholly new perspective. For example, pilgrimages took away the individual from a… read more
The Western World Has An Addiction Problem
The generally accepted definition of addiction is the dependency on a substance. However, addiction manifests itself in many different ways which are not discussed as regularly as they should be…. read more
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