Posts by

Anton McDowell
A Period Is No Excuse For A Woman To Be A Bitch
Throughout history women have used the fact that their bodies go through some pretty gross stuff to get away with stuff that men would not get away with. This is… read more
The Physical Exercise That Strengthens The Mind
There are far too many articles on ROK about exercises that benefit the body to count, but very few that address exercises that benefit the mind. In a world where… read more
Do Someone A Favor By Criticizing Their Faults
Modern society teaches people to rarely if ever criticize another person. When people are in mentor positions where they have to tell a pupil how they are doing, they are… read more
How To End Abortion Without Involving Politicians
On January 22nd, 1973 the US Supreme Court made the landmark decision in the Roe v. Wade trial that gave women the right to have an abortion of an unplanned… read more
7 Reasons Why Buying A House Is A Terrible Idea
Traditionally, a man buying and owning his own house was a major milestone in a man’s life along with marriage and having children. However, just like marriage I would argue… read more
Women Are Sluts If They Sleep Around But Men Are Not
We live in a world of many double standards between the two sexes, some of which make sense and can be defended. For example, it’s okay for an older man… read more
NA[X]ALT Is Not A Legitimate Argument For Any Group
Many groups are under attack for ill conduct by some members of their own group. The common phrase “Not all [insert group here] are like that” is brought up by… read more
4 Reasons Why Beta Males Persist In Human Populations
A recent theme here is how men are pressured to act unnaturally in today’s environment. This causes a great deal of anguish among males. In my last post on why girls… read more
This Is Why Girls Go For Bad Boys
Like most people who have taken the red pill, I had already internalized some of the lessons that it gave before I found anyone else who shared the same ideas…. read more
Female Vs Male Problem Solving On The Energy Crisis
The world today is facing many problems: financial, political, and environmental. Many people in the manosphere are suggesting that we learn to Enjoy The Decline. However, there are some within… read more
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