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Beau Albrecht
How To Conquer Writer’s Block
If you’ve stared at a blank document and the words weren’t flowing, you’re not alone. Mark Twain sometimes had that experience in front of a typewriter, and Geoffrey Chaucer with… read more
5 Types Of Women Who Should Quit Acting Like They’re Supermodels
Charming young ladies are undeniably alluring. Even those who aren’t quite top-shelf certainly can get lots of attention. Those who have good character are a treasure. For others, unfortunately, it… read more
Vice Editor Jason Koebler Makes Stunning Confession About How Journalists Assist Online Censorship
According to legend, the media is a pillar of democracy. The free press informs the public objectively, without bias, “just the facts, ma’am”. They staunchly champion freedom of speech; that’s… read more
Cosmopolitan Magazine Defends Gigantic Woman’s Bikini Photoshoot In Times Square
Anna O’Brien is a figure in the trend known as body positivity or fat acceptance. She’s no stranger to controversy. In the past, she’s managed to turn bad publicity into… read more
Antarctica Is A Perfect Place To Resettle Society’s Losers And Slackers
During the Age of Exploration, multitudes of settlers began crossing oceans to tame new frontiers. Many were fleeing religious persecution, such as the Puritans who were kicked out of Britain… read more
The Right Will Never Win Unless They Go Beyond The Mainstream
During the mid-1960s, the great Cultural Revolution began. 1980s conservatives started holding the line tolerably well, though couldn’t press forward. However, since the 1990s, they’ve been sliding backward, especially in… read more
47-Year-Old Single Mom Sues Matchmaking Firm For Not Finding Her A Rich Man
Tereza Burki is a London resident from the Netherlands with three children. She wants one more child. Commendably, that goes above the call of duty, though it’s getting pretty late… read more
Are Leftist Radicals Literally Mutants And Mattoid Freaks?
Have you ever thought of today’s leftists as a modern-day freak show? If so, perhaps you’re onto something. Degeneration theory During the mid-1800s, concern about degeneration began. Many feared an… read more
How The Elites Are Using Radical Islam To Subvert And Destroy Western Civilization
While touring Washington, D.C., I saw a wrinkly old geezer with frizzy hair and thick glasses leaving a posh nightclub for the wealthiest of the wealthy. While getting into a… read more
7 Ways That Modern Women Use Their Bodies To Profit From Male Thirst
The traditional sexual marketplace transaction is that men trade resources with women for companionship. There always have been ways to circumvent the system. However, modern technology has created a vast… read more
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