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Beau Albrecht
The Root Cause Of Our Problems With Government Is Tight Centralization
Have you ever wondered why leftists can push their agendas in government even when they’re flagrantly against the will of the majority? How do they get away with this? In… read more
Why Communism Doesn’t Work
An economy is a method of distribution of scarce resources. I should make it clear that an economic system is basically a Platonic ideal form existing in the realm of… read more
7 Mainstream Movies With Subversive Themes That Slipped Under The Radar
Many movies (and TV shows, of course) have been larded up with propaganda to demoralize us and indoctrinate the public in politically correct thinking. The efforts range from fairly subliminal… read more
How Wealthy Americans Dodge Taxes
The American tax system is graduated, with the wealthier paying a higher amount. Whether or not this should be so is debatable. Arguments in favor are that they have a… read more
The Fault Lines In Progressive Paradise
Dark forces have been working for decades to put together an unholy alliance opposed to Western civilization. They may seem at times like a monolithic menace, but it’s really a… read more
Why SJWs Will Never Get The World They Want
What does Social Justice, as it’s construed today, have to do with an ancient Greek myth? As it happens, everything. In the words of Diodorus of Sicily: [Theseus] put to… read more
3 Pieces Of KGB Propaganda Americans Still Believe Today
The Sword and the Shield by KGB insider Vasili Mitrokhin provides a fascinating look from the other side of the Cold War’s espionage efforts. All told, we have confirmation of… read more
Two Black Women Start A White Guilt Atonement Fund That Becomes Extremely Profitable
A March 17 article in NYMag, “These Women Started a Company to Teach White People How to Be Less Racist,” reports on a new foundation called Safety Pin Box. The… read more
How Margaret Mead’s Bad Science Set Anthropology Back By A Century
Margaret Mead was an academic celebrity; basically the Madonna of anthropology. She’s best known for utopian tales of life in the South Seas, depicting pacifism, matriarchal societies, and free love…. read more
The Story Behind The 2008 Financial Crisis
The subprime mortgage crisis emerged in 2007, driving down the stock market late in the year. 2008 began with the economy in freefall, the stock market finally hitting rock bottom… read more
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