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Beau Albrecht
The Redstockings Manifesto Was The Blueprint For Contemporary Feminism
In many ways, 1969 was a pretty cool year, but it was also during a wave of crazy radicalism that made today’s upsurge of rent-a-mobs seen like a croquet match…. read more
The Stories Of Two Domestic Terrorist Groups That Were Dropped In The Memory Hole
We often remember the late 1960s and early 1970s as a time of peace and love. Despite that, there was an undercurrent of violence. Street crime was skyrocketing, thanks to… read more
The Dysfunction Of Modern Society Is Proof That Cultural Marxism “Works”
The social and political climate took a very sharp left turn during the mid-1960s, seemingly overnight. By the 1990s, political correctness began stifling free speech. Today, urban riots are back in… read more
3 Feminists Who Caused The Most Harm To The World
Most blue pill people think that feminism is only about equality. We know that’s baloney. Further, the big-name feminists are quite often kooky, man-hating extremists, influenced by Marxism, or all the… read more
How The Sexual Marketplace Can Be Restored To Balance
Economics isn’t only about money. An economy is a method of distribution of scarce resources, and the sexual marketplace is no exception. It’s a strange paradox—since sex is a renewable… read more
What Is Virtue Signalling?
Virtue signaling is an attempt to get into the good graces of an individual or group by taking a political stance that attempts to show moral superiority. It allows someone to cheaply… read more
How We Can Fix The Problem With Western Marriage
Marriage is intended to be a sacred bond between a man and a woman, preferably lasting a lifetime, and a stable platform for them to raise children. This institution dates… read more
How Leftist Indoctrination Tactics Resemble Maoist Brainwashing
There is a document from the BBS days about cult indoctrination tactics, exploring the similarities to Chinese Communist brainwashing. This quotes from Chapter 22 of Robert Jay Lifton’s classic Thought Reform… read more
Why Free Market Economics Isn’t Working As Advertised
Since Newton’s Laws, physicists thought the universe behaved basically like a billiards table: an object in motion stays in motion on its trajectory forever unless an outside force acts on… read more
The Sociopolitical Implications Of r/K Selection Theory
A while back, I came across a thought-provoking article about r/K selection theory. The basic idea is that r-selected species are adapted for environments with unlimited resources, while K-selected species… read more
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